That is Zola’s Brother, Zephyr

Inside the house, Niiya had offered Keisha to stay in his basement room for the time being. After Niiya gave her a blanket and left, Keisha went to bed. 

She lied down and shuddered in anxiety. She had to make future plans to escape immediately, after all, who knew if the Blue Moon pack was close behind her trail.. 

She cursed Adrianna for casting a spell that turned her into a small cat. The spell lasted a good two hours and she had to hide in order to escape from the street dogs. 

She already had her suspicion when she reached home the previous day. She noticed some movement around and caught glimpses of familiar faces at that point of time at night. Although she found it strange, she was too tired to care and just wanted to crash on her bed. But when she was changing, she noticed that her wardrobe had been tampered with.