
This topic was irritating Adrianna. It had been so many days since she had married Dmitri. He had marked her and yet every time she face Cora, somehow this topic would emerge. But why would Dmitri two-time? Did she miss anything when she was in the academy? 

Dmitri re-read the letter. It was in Keisha's handwriting but why would she accuse him of forcing him on her? Every time she advanced towards him, he only stepped back. "Mother, who gave you this letter?" he asked. 

"Can I see the letter?" asked Adrianna. Dmitri gave her the letter. Adrianna read the entire letter and then in the end she saw the lines, which invited glares from Cora. "Dmitri never loved Adrianna. He married her to win over Niiya, who was in love with Adrianna." 

"This letter is ridiculous!" shouted Adrianna. "Cora, can't you see that this letter holds no meaning? Clearly this letter is written with the intention of creating doubts in the minds of people around."