Do You Want a Harem, My Lord?

Out of irritation and provocation from Mihr, Adrianna just used her wand and pointed it at Mihr to cast the spell. "Hypnosia!" she spoke loudly and a white thin streak of light emitted from the wand. It hit Mihr and then it passed through him and hit Dmitri. 

Mihr, who was standing with his wand high up in the air didn't even get a chance to react and stood there looking blank. It was as if he didn't understand what was he doing in this life. He looked at Adrianna with the most idiotic expression and Adrianna started giggling and looked back at him with a bewildered expression. "Damn!" she shouted as she realized that she had hit the two of them with the spell and the spell worked correctly. 

She looked back at Dmitri who was standing right behind Mihr and looking at his chest, which was hit by the white light. Adrianna ran past Mihr to Dmitri and held his arms. "Dmitri, are you okay?" she shook him as though trying to get him back to sense.