Moron But Usable

Rhys smiled as he crossed his arms across his chest. "My terms and conditions are not simple. However, there is one thing I expect from the Wizard Queen."

"What is it?" asked Adrianna lifting her shin and narrowing her eyes at him.

"Once I get the throne, your people and the werewolves, none of them will even interfere or enter the realm of the serpents."

"Done, but that won't stop me from taking action against you people if you harm any of the two realms," answered Adrianna. She had to keep an upper hand at all costs.

"Second, if I need your help, you will give it unconditionally."

Adrianna gave him a tight lipped smile. "Rhys, that is something you know I will never agree to. Unconditional support is given to someone who has been known and loyal. I have met you for the first time and you are asking for unconditional support? I don't agree with that!"