The Murderous Glint

Ziu was fretting in the palace waiting for his father's audience. With the failure he had faced because of Rhys, he didn't even want to see his face. However, ever since Ziu had come, Rhys had been on guard. He was not going in front of him but had sent his spies to be around him all the time. 

The King was having a meeting with the representative of the Human World, Niiya. A large portion of the ocean was allotted to them to dump the wastes but it seemed things were getting out of control and their wastes were now breaching that area. After prolonged conversations and meeting none of the parties were coming to an agreement. 

When Niiya left the place for the fifth time, he encountered Ziu on the way. Ziu was surprised to see him and bowed slightly, but Niiya's rotten mood overpowered his reasoning and he didn't acknowledge Ziu. Not that Ziu was offended, but he had to know what transpired between his father and Niiya.