The Recipe of Disaster

The General was too excited to meet Ziu—the man who would make him the hero of the Humans and a force to be feared, once the war was over. His name would go down in history. He couldn't even imagine what all this would bring him—fame, money, power and then some of his own hidden agendas that he never told anyone. His smile increased as he caught Ziu's hand. "Please sit!" he said. He wasn't hoping to meet Ziu but perhaps Dr. Tanaka had this surprise for him. 

Everyone sat and all eyes were on Ziu. The General and Dr. Tanaka were the ones with a gleam in their eyes, while Niiya only watched him with hate and disappointment. His frustration only increased. 

Ziu looked at Niiya and scoffed. Niiya was in his hands. He couldn't do anything against him. Looking at the disturbance his mind was going through only made him feel better. Niiya's disappointment had become Ziu's food for fun.