The War (1)

"Alpha!" shouted one of the werewolves. 

Dmitri looked in his direction. "Yes?" 

"How far do we have to go?" he asked. "It is getting chilly and my wife is pregnant."

Dmitri couldn't help thinking of his pregnant Adrianna. She was fighting not only for her kingdom but also for his. Ever since Ziu had toppled their world, life had become one restless journey. Even though he was helping his pack, he felt helpless for not being able to stay with his wife. The werewolf in front of him had held his wife's hand. She rested for a moment. 

"It is not very far," replied Dmitri. 

The werewolf shape shifted, made his wife sit on his warm fur and ambled away. 

Half an hour later, they entered the cave where Dmitri brought Adrianna during their honeymoon. This was the last cave they had visited just before Cy had attacked them. He sighed.