The Trap (2)

The explosion was earth shattering. The walls of the room, its windows and the furniture in it started shaking. Adrianna and Dmitri ran outside. 

A Mozia rushed to her and informed, "It looks like they have fired a cannon." 

Adrianna looked towards the boundary. Although it looked translucent from the inside, she could see a gigantic ball of fire burning in the hole it had created outside. The impact of the explosion was huge enough to create a crater on the magical wall. If this continued, the wall would fall down soon. She had already formed a strategy according to the impact the cannonball would create on the wall but she wasn't ready for this. Hurriedly she took a decision. There was no point in forming a strategy. 

Her broom came swishing in the air and she jumped on it to mount it. "Shang Kui, Isidorus, Enya, come with me." All of them immediately grasped their brooms, threw them in the air and leaped on to join Adrianna. Twenty Mozia joined the group.