War of the Wizards (10)

Adrianna watched Ziu getting buried deep down in layers of snow. She stood there still, watching the rhythmic percussion of the snow that scattered everywhere. Her eyes were fixed on the place where Ziu was pulled down. Her face was glowing with the new dawn of light that fell on her white, porcelain skin. Her lips twitched into the semblance of a smile mimicking her inner feelings of satisfaction. The fire that was burning in her heart, cooled down a little. 

Ziu - the wizard who was a nightmare ever since she had worn the Crown, a parasite and a traitor to the Wizard Kingdom was put several feet under the ground. All the fear that inhabited her chest until now and was waiting to engulf her settled. Now her kingdom didn't have any danger. The fear had escalated into flames that were fueled by her anxiety. But now she didn't need all that.