Dark Forces?

Adrianna walked inside Niiya's house with her head held high, with confidence. She was certain that there were enemies around her, but she was also sure that they wouldn't do a thing to her for now. 

As the royal couple made their way through the crowd and reached inside the house, they found Niiya sitting with his mother. She was sitting in a corner accepting condolences from the guests while Niiya was sitting quietly beside her, holding her hands. Pryce was also there. She was taking care of the guests. Adrianna was a little surprised to watch her being so friendly. When Niiya looked up, his eyes met with that of Adrianna's. He looked away from her. Adrianna understood that after all, his father shot himself because of her. She felt guilty. Her chin dropped to her chest and her posture slumped. She bit her lip and in order to avoid Niiya, she tried to take a detour, but Dmitri stopped her. 

"Give your message to him," he said plainly. "This is not your fault."