The Proposal

The Shadow's soul was shattered into so many pieces that he was not able to decipher what was going on. Soft wind blew on the outside and carried the orbs away to Gaira. As soon as they reached there, they adhered to the wall and opened on the inside. The smoke that was trapped in them, was absorbed by the wall as if it was thirsty from ages. 

The streetlamps shone brilliantly outside. The dark clouds had drifted revealing the perfect moonlit sky that was dazzled by its brilliance. 

Inside the restaurant, Ileus clung to his father's chest like he was his momma. No one knew what happened in that split second but the things got back in order. Adrianna wanted to hold Ileus but he refused to leave his Dada. The heaviness in the air evaporated but the experience left them all shook from the core. 

Haldir went to sit next to Inyanga and said, "Thanks so much." 

"My pleasure," she replied in a soft voice.