The Exercise

Namjoon healed your wounds but kept you sitted since you were told to eat there since they saw you were watching the film you starred in. You taught the trainees again but this time it was a fast song, you taught them some moves to not miss a beat. They did well everyday. You were like a proud parent to your kids. You came to the dorm to see no one there. You checked everywhere to see if they're there. You cried in the couch hugging a pillow thinking they won't come back. You were about to sleep when you heard the door open, you woke up and you saw them coming in, you started to cry, when they saw you, Yoongi went to you and asked you "What's wrong? ", you told him about thinking they were dead or gone but he hugged you and calmed you down, he said " It's okay, hyung is here, not gone". The others looked sad and guilty, RM tried apologizing to you but you screamed at him " WHY DO I EVEN TRUST YOU HYUNG, MAKING ME FEEL YOU'RE ALL GONE! " and you stormed off to your room and locked the door. Jin told Namjoon " Don't worry", Jin, Kookie, and Jimin went to your room. Jin asked "Young man, open the door, eomma Jin is here" you opened the door and he hugged you and said " We are so sorry not telling you we had to go somewhere, please forgive us. " You said " I do forgive you hyung, Namjoon hyung is just so" Jin said " I know what you mean, just understand that if we go, don't be afraid, you will always be safe if you're there ok. " you nodded and "Hyung I feel hot. " Jin felt your forehead and said " Guys, he has fever! ". They left the room to get the others, you asked " Where is Kookie and Jimin going? " Jin said " To call the others. ", A few minutes later the others came but Yoongi ran to you and said " Guys, I need a thermometer and some medicine. " RM and J Hope went downstairs to get a thermometer, Kookie and Tae going out to get some medicine and water, Jimin went down to get you a wet towel, and Jin went downstairs to make some soup. Yoongi sat next to you and said " Everything will be okay, hyung is here with you" as he held your hand. All of them came back with the things Yoongi needed. He checked your temperature and gave you some medicine and water, and put the moist towel on your forehead. After a while, he fed you some soup. Kookie and Jimin came to stay with you so Suga could have dinner. Jimin held your hand and Kookie play relaxing music. When you looked sleepy , Jimin kissed your forehead and said " Good night, our little prince" as Kookie removed the disc. Yoongi came after dinner and slept next to you and hugged you, hoping you will not have a fever tomorrow.Yoongi woke up early and felt your forehead and said " He has no fever!! ". He woke you up in 3 AM to help him cook. You woke up and said "Good Morning Hyung " with a kiss on Yoongi's cheek. He said " Wanna help me cook? " You nodded and went down with him. You cooked Kimchi, Noodle and Shrimp Soup, Fried Chicken, Fried Salmon, Samyang, Spicy Pork, Siomai, And Dumplings and Prepared 3 plates of Rice as Yoongi fixed the table. Everyone woke up at 6 and saw the meal, Jin was so proud of you he said " Because of how much our lil bro loves us all of us except Yoongi should buy our Lil bro and Brother lambs skewers, Fried chicken, Spaghetti, Siomai, Fried Salmon and Noodle and Shrimp Soup. They all sighed but Yoongi and you were about to explode with happiness , you ate and said " Namjoon hyung, mianhe about what I said" with a sad face.He said " I forgive you too". It was Saturday and was a day off so all of you were doing anything. You were working out with Kookie and Jimin in your room, Yoongi made you do exercises that would make you fit and Namjoon was making a album for you to listen to while working out. You removed your shirt when you had been working out, you saw Kookie and Jimin biting their lips. Jin was cooking some snacks for you, Kookie, and Jimin. You were done and went to the bathroom to take a bath. You came out of the bathroom and saw Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook biting their lips. You put some clothes on and went to visit Namjoon.You went to the studio to check if he was done with the album but what he was doing was shocking, He was watching "Adult Videos". You ran out and screamed "NAMJOON WATCHED ADULT STUFF?!? ", They said " What, how is this possible, someone clean our dongsaeng's mind!! ", Yoongi grabbed your hand and went to your room and locked the door and covered the window. He pushed you on the bed and kissed you passionately and neck. He took off your shirt and his, he went to kiss your abs, you moaned softly. He said "You like it, don't you" with a smirk. He undressed himself and yourself. He said " Don't worry, I'll be gentle" and he entered you, he did it slowly to let you moan and he went faster. You and him came, but he wasn't done, he went down and gave you a blowjob. You came and he said " You taste so good " as he went to kiss you on the lips. He went to clean the mess you and him made. He put his clothes back on and helped you put yours on too. Both of you came outside with everyone shocked of what they heard. Then they said " Oh my, he took his virginity!! " as Jin hugged you and said " Are you Ok? " you nodded and he went to RM's Studio, you heard his shouts and screams. RM was running to you and said "I am sorry that Yoongi did " it" to you, you were so innocent. " You said " You know, I watch adult stuff to in my room in my secret place. " All of them except for Yoongi was surprised. They said "It's RM's fault!!! " but you said " Guys, don't blame him, all of us needs our " special needs.It's not like you guys don't have a seven some when you guys get drunk. " They said " How did you know!! " you said " I was reading my book when you were doing it and I peeked through the door.", Now, they were all embarrassed but Yoongi said "Anyways, Jimin you're not my other half now its our lil bro" he looked at you and you said " FINALLY, Hopemin, Vkook, Namjin.All the ships that match. ", You were so happy, you went to your room and called your roommates to have a nap.Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung went to the room. You told Yoongi to sleep next to you since he was the closest one to you from all the others.You told him to hug you and he hugged you tightly. You slept in his arms. You woke up seeing that Jimin and Tae already left the room, you woke up Yoongi and kissed him. He woke up and said "You really want a Round 2,don't you? " with a smirk, you nodded and kissed him passionately, he flipped you over to kiss your neck. He unbuttoned your pajama top and kissed your abs, you moaned softly. He smirked and pulled off your pajamas and underwear, he undressed himself and entered you without any warning, he kissed you as he went faster. You came on him and he came in your mouth. You were kissing again since both of you liked each other. He said "I Love You" You said "I Love You Too". He put his clothes on and put yours on since you were tired. You went outside and went downstairs.You saw Y/N, she was beautiful and perfect in every way. You went to her and said " Are you a flower because your beauty is blooming.", Both of you were blushing, behind you Suga said "Ooooh, Do you like her?" You said "Yes, maybe I do".They were so Jungshook, that Kookie said "Finally, someone in this family will become a father and all of us will be uncles!" You said "Excuse me, but that is a bit too fast.You asked for her number and she asked for yours. After that, she left the dorm, you were running to the couch and laid there with a smile. Jin said "Someone likes a girl now." You said "Yah, All of you shut up or else!!" you stood up and got a knife and put it near your neck. They said "Please, No!!!" with a scared face. Jin said "If you die, we can't live!!", You put it back but accidentally cut your arm, you screamed, they ran to you and said "Jin, get a cloth and the medical kit. Yoongi was holding your hand as you were crying from the pain, he was comforting you and saying "It's okay" kissing your forehead. Jin came back with a cloth,some clean water, and the medical kit. He first washed your wound. You were screaming and crying from the pain. Yoongi said "It's okay, just keep holding my hand." You held his hand tighter. Jin put the ointment and tied the cloth on the wound. You went to hug Yoongi, you cried on his shoulder. He calmed you down by saying " Look, It's Snowy, Yeontan,Holly, and Miki are here." You saw the puppies running to you, when they reached you, they licked your face and you hugged them. They let you play with the dogs as they told every army about what happened. They were all worried about you, they sent stuff for you. They all gave you get well cards, bandages, and some treats and toys for the puppies when you play with them. You let the wound heal. You were always in pain but Yoongi stayed with you and helped you endure the pain. He made sure you were okay. You and him had to get a closer relationship.

Thank you for how my novel got so many readers. Goodbye for now army