The Movie

You woke up to see Y/N next to you.She was still asleep.", you left the bed and put on your clothes.You went to your phone and checked If It was Sunday,When you sat next to Jimin, Someone entered the room, It was Chanyeol, you said "Hyung, what are you doing here?", he said "I was gonna visit you.", You said "My legs already have healed but not my hallucinations.", he smiled with relief and said "Do you want to get some coffee with the others?", you nodded and put a note on the door that said "Went for Coffee with EXO, wait for me here so I can take my medicine" to not worry Y/N and the others.You sat next to Baekhyun and Suho.Suho said "Yah,why don't you let us meet your girlfriend?", you said "We all know, how your mouth is as loud as a megaphone so that's why.", Kai said "How are stuff working out with you and her?", You answered "We are okay but I am gonna propose to her next week.", They all were shocked, Sehun said "You did "it" with her last night and now proposal on first week of your relationship, so straightforward.", you said "I just want to have my break just for a few months since I'll be a father.", Baekhyun said "Will Jin help?", you nodded and said "He'll teach me the basics an taking care of a baby.", D.O smiled and said "Won't that be hard?", you said "Did you forget I can last a whole day without sleeping?!!!", you glared at him with your blood red eyes.He said "Not even one sleep or nap?!!!", you nodded.You arrived to the coffee shop.You got out and saw you were in JYP cafe.You got excited to come in, when you came in, you saw GOT7 and Stray Kids there, you ran to Jackson and said "Hyung!!!", he saw you and pulled you in a hug, he said "What are you doing here?, you said "To have coffee with EXO sunbaenim.", he said "Do you want to meet the others?", you nodded, he introduced you to the others.Yugyeom said "We know you made out with his sister last night.", you blushed in embarrassment. Bambam said "Don't be shy, It's normal to do it.", The others ordered coffee as you ordered a cappucinno and frappuccino.They asked "Why did you order two?, you said "I bought one for my jagi.",Xuimin said "How sweet of you!!", you said "I know her so well!!", you saw Felix waving at you.You came near him and said "Hyung,where is Changbin?", he said "Just behind you.", you turned around to see him about to give you a back hug.You hugged him first.You said "Hyung, I missed all of your pranks.", he said "Really?!!!", you smiled and said "Can you let me go now?", he chuckled and let go of you.You got a call, It was Jin, he said "Can you come here, We are gonna buy breakfast.", you said "Coming", you said goodbye to the others as you went through the door.You jogged back to the hospital while the cold air brushed over your whole body to prevent you to sweat.You came back to your room to see Y/N watching TV. You gave her the frappuccino, she said "Thanks Jagiya.", You kissed her lips as a your welcome.You sat next to her and said "I want twins, Jagi",she said "Let's hope, we have twins.",Jungkook went back carrying the food, when he saw you sitting down next to Y/N, his eyes widened and the food fell from his hands.Jungkook said "Yoongi, Jin, Am I hallucinating?!!", Yoongi went in as Jin ran in and said "HOLD THE FUCK UP, HIS LEGS ALREADY HEALED!!", You said "Hyung, language!!", he remembered what he said and said "Nuu, meh consience", you laughed and said "Yoongi,what did you buy for breakfast before we leave to finish the mv.", he said "Chicken and ramen.", all of you ate with gusto, all of you left and headed to the school to finish the mv.They allowed Y/N to act as the one to help you up and leave the school.You did the scene in the first try, you were proud since you made your fourth solo.It was called "A Brother's Love", you came back to the dorm exhausted.You went to your room and laid on your bed.Jimin went inside and laid next to you.He said "Are you tired?" with a smile.You looked at him sadly and laid on his chest.He said "Do you feel cold?", You nodded as you looked at him.He hugged you warmly and said "Don't be sad, Hyungs will always be here for you, You already have Y/N as an addition.You looked at him and kissed him.He giggled and said "Is this puppy thirsty?" as you looked at him cutely.He kissed you passionately.He said "Do you want more?" seductively and with lust.You nodded with a innocent face.He chuckled and said "Your order is coming.", he continued to kiss you passionately as his right hand went in your pants to tease your clothed member.You were moaning from the pleasure.He took off your shirt and kissed your abs and neck, he pulled your pants and underwear slowly.He went near your member and said "Can I taste you?", you nodded as he put three fingers in you and gave you a blowjob.You moaned louder by every thrust of his fingers.You were about to cum but he stopped and said "Now, meet my friend.", he took off his clothes and entered you.He hit your good spot in every thrust and went faster and faster.He kissed you as he thrusted in you.He said "My brother seems to have a sensitive body.", You smiled cutely at him, he chuckled and kissed you again but let his tongue enter.You came on him as he came in you.He layed next to you and hugged you.You layed on his chest and put your hand on his abs.He smiled at you and said "How can you look so cute just sleeping?", he held your hand as you layed on his chest.He said "Do you want me to sing you to sleep?", you nodded, he sang you a lullaby that put you to sleep.He got the blanket and cover both of you.Jimin said "Good night, our baby", you woke up in his arms.You smiled at how loving he was for you, you got a sudden hallucination again, you saw him bleeding.You started to cry, Jimin woke up and knew you were hallucinating, he pulled you in a hug and said "Hyung is here, calm down.", You slowly stopped crying and saw him normally again.You hugged him and said "Hyung, I'm scared of my hallucinating.I want it to stop!!", you were crying your heart out.He hugged you and said "Everything is fine.I know you are scared but be brave enough to conquer your fear.", You said "Thank you for existing.", he said "Thank you for loving us the way we love you.",A few months passed after your accident, your hallucinating finally stopped,you and Y/N got married, you are at the hospital sitting next to Y/N holding your two twins.You named them Seungjae and Naeun,Your brothers were running to your room.Y/N was smiling at you, she said "You will make the best father, Jagiya.", you kissed her forehead and said "I will." with a smile.Jin entered the room with the others.You were rocking Naeun to sleep,she was holding your pointer finger while she was asleep.Jin smiled at you and said "Congratulations on being a father.", you said "Thank You hyung", Tae said "Rest for a minute, we'll handle the kids.", Jimin and you sat on the couch, he extended it to make it a bed.You laid down laying on a soft pillow,covered by a soft blanket and hugging sleeping Naeun in your arms.Jungkook and Tae were playing with Seungjae.Yoongi said "Jin hyung,I'll miss treating him like a kid.", Jin said "He'll still our baby, Yoongi.Let's give him a short break from work for now since he needs to take care of his children.", Namjoon called Jackson,Kai,and Felix to visit.J Hope pictured you and posted it on Twitter.Every army was happy for you being a father.Jin said "Look how cute he smiles as he sleeps.", Namjoon said "A baby taking care of a baby.", J Hope was smiling at you, he said "Can we buy the kid's toys and stuff? ", Jin said "No, let him take care of his responsibilities as a dad.I know, he will do anything to make them happy.", Jackson arrived first to see you asleep.He said "Look at how their similarities, they both have dimples,they smile cutely when they sleep, and keep sleeping with someone next to them.", Jin agreed and said "I wonder, what will happen if they both sleep next to each other, the twins?", he hoped you would have a happy family.Jungkook said "Jackson, look how similar my twin brother and Seungjae look.", he smiled to see that you and your twins had similar features from you.You woke up to see Naeun smiling at you.You said "Good afternoon, princess.", as you kissed her nose.She giggled cutely.Jungkook said "Finally, You're awake.", You put Naeun in your arms.You gave her to Jin.He said "Let me hold her while you feed Seungjae.", You let him drink milk first, he held your pinkie while he was looking at you.You said "Do you know how cute you look?", he stopped drinking and smiled at you, he cooed at you.He was squirming around which meant he was full.You couldn't help but smile at him.Jin saw you and said "Is being a father worth it?", you nodded and said "I won't sleep even a whole day just to take care of my children.", Yoongi heard what you said, he ran to you and said "Nooo, always have sleep at night, All of us will take turns taking care of them.", you smiled at him.You let Seungjae be with him.When he held his hand, he held his middheldinger.Your jaw dropped, you took him back in your arms and said "Hyung, don't do this to a young infant!!", Jin said "He is an angel not a demon!!", he said "Sorry, it must be his genes.", you laughed and said "Jackson, how is Naeun?", he was feeding her, he said "She's fine, she likes me but she keeps giving me little slaps.", you chuckled and said "That's normal, that means she thinks your squishy like a teddy bear.", he smiled at her.Seungjae suddenly said something, he said "a-a-a-p", you looked at him with shock, you said "Are you saying appa?", he said "a-a-ap-p-pa", you hugged him and said "Good boy!!", Jin said "He said his first word after he was born.He must be a genius like his Uncle Yoongi!!", he said to you "appa" with a smile.Naeun was saying something too, she said "alohomora", Namjoon looked at her and said "What did you say?", she said "alohomora.", Jin got her and put her with you.You hugged them and said "They just said their first words", you were crying tears of joy, you wiped them off and kissed their forehead.Y/N said "I knew you would be the best dad.", with a smile. You went to her and kissed her.They both started crying, You laid them next to Y/N and said "Time to test if they like Twice songs so much, they will stop crying.", you played "TT", They stopped crying and started to calm down.Naeun tried to do the signature action but failed.You went to her and said "They are true onces.", you called Jihyo and said "Noona, can you come to the hospital, my children likes your music.", she said "I'm coming!!", she bursted through the door and said "Where are the cuties?!!", they were dancing to Cheer up with cute smiles.Your heart pounded, Jihyo got Naeun in her arms and said "They are true onces.", Yoongi and Jin was there to keep you standing.Your heart melted from their cuteness.Jin was feeding Naeun while you tried to sleep.You were so tired taking care of them.Jungkook said "He really is willing to not work for his kids.", Jin walked to him and said "Family first than anything else.", You eventually slept with your babies sleeping in your arms.You had a nightmare, you saw your parents again but bloody and zombie like.You woke up in tears, Y/N stood up and went to you and said "What's wrong?", You said "I had a nightmare.", she hugged you and said "Calm down,Everything is fine.", Jimin went over to you and said "Are you ready to go?" with a smile.You stood up and held Seungjae in your hands while Y/N held Naeun.You went to the car and sat next to Tae and Jimin.Jimin was tickling his toes while Tae was tickling his belly.Your smile came back.Jimin kissed your cheek and said "I hope you become the best father.", Tae got your old favorite baby toy, a stuffed animal of a bear from the compartment.He instantly got the bear and hugged it.His smile made you so happy.When you came back to the building ,your brothers kept you and Y/N safe.You went in the dorm to see the others waiting for you.Soobin was running to you and said "Congratulations on being a father!!", Your old trainees went to you and said "Sunbaenim, before you were a boyfriend now a father.", You thanked them.Seungjae thanked them by smiling at them.Soobin held his foot and tickled it, he was giggling from the tickle.He gave you a kiss on the cheek, you kissed him back on his forehead.Naeun was with the other members of TXT, she was slapping them one by one.You said "Hyung, don't get angry, it just means she thinks your squishy like a teddy bear.",they chuckled as they started to play with her.After a while of fun,they came back to their dorms.You were watching a kids show with your two children.Y/N was at your room sleeping, Jin was still awake,He was heading down to check on you, he was carrying a pillow and a blanket.You were in your softest pajamas.Your two babies were giggling,Jin said "Are you gonna sleep yet?", you turned to him and said "If my babies go to sleep, I sleep.", he sat next to you and held Naeun in his arms.He said "You know,your parents would be the best grandparents.", you nodded and looked at him.Naeun was sleeping in Jin's arms and Seungjae was sleeping next to you.You turned off the TV, Jin said "Are you gonna sleep now?", You nodded as you got the pillow and blanket.Jin said "Good night", You said "Good night.", You slept soundly dreaming how happy your life now is.

I really loved how this chapter went well,I hope you like the new characters for this chapter, Author nim out.