Time passed by

Year 1491

Another year quickly passed by and Zed was now 2 years old and the day that they would get killed is fast approaching.

Zed was reading books about the different kingdoms in the world when Zephyr entered the room.

"Son, what are you reading today?" Zed then showed him the book he was currently reading and Zephyr nodded seeing this.

Zephyr then went to his study table and read some reports.

Zed looked at his father and said "Dad, I think we should change our home and don't tell anyone about it except for your friends."

Zephyr was shocked hearing this from his son and couldn't help but ask "Why son? we don't need to change our home we are already fine here."

He then looked at his son waiting for his response, "Dad, you should know that because you're a Marine Admiral there would be many pirates that would have a deep grudge with you, It's true that they couldn't beat you. But what if they thought of attacking me and mother?"

When Zephyr heard his son's reason he spaced out for a while and just stared at Zed. moments later Zephyr smacked his head *BANG!*

His forehead was now bleeding and Zed who was in front of his Dad got startled and hurriedly gave his Father some cloth to stop the bleeding.

Zephyr took the cloth and wiped the flood off his face, he sighed then said "Why didn't I think about that? I was confident that those pirates would only target me and I forgot about my family."

He ruffled Zed's hair then continued "Thank you son, what you said was right and we should change our home as soon as possible in order to prevent something like that from ever happening." Zephyr stood up and went out to find his wife.

Zed smiled triumphantly and followed behind Zephyr.

A couple of days later Zed, Zephyr and Mary were now currently on a Marine Warship leaving their home, Zed looked at the boundless sea with sparkling eyes.

"Dad! dad!" Zed shouted at Zephyr who was sitting with Mary.

Zephyr walked up to Zed and asked "What is it son?"

"One day I would also be travelling the sea and protect the innocents from evil pirates!" Zed said with conviction.

Zephyr smiled widely hearing this and said "That's right son you will become the strongest marine ever!"

They then finally arrived at their new home, It was a decent size island called "Rose Island" with a population of only 100,000.

There are only 3 towns on the island and the rest of the island is ruled by fierce beast, Zephyr chose this island because this will also be Zed's training ground when he reach 5 years old.

Year 1494

Zed was finally 5 years old and could be seen doing some light exercise on a training ground that Zephyr built for him, "25,26,27,28,29 ... 30!" After doing 30 push-ups Zed then continued doing sit ups and squats.

While Zed was continuing his exercise Zephyr arrived in the training ground "Son, come here for a moment"

Zed stopped and walked towards his Father "What is it Dad?"

"I know that even though you're only 5 years,but your thinking process is like of a grown up already so here I have a gift for you" Zephyr then handed him a Glaive.

"That is called "Dragon's Crescent Blade" if you compare it to a sword then I can tell you that it is equal to a Saijo O Wazamono sword"

Zed was shocked hearing this and held the glaive with care, he stared at the 10 ft long glaive and returned it to Zephyr and said "For now I still can't use this Dad, but when I'm strong enough to wield this glaive I would surely use it"

Zephyr smiled proudly seeing his son not being to greedy after learning how precious the glaive was and still focused on becoming stronger.

"I'll store this for now until you're capable of wielding it, for now you should use a wooden staff as your weapon."

Zed nodded in agreement and waited for his father's instruction.

Zephyr then looked at his son and said "For now your training regime will be 50 push-ups, 50 sit ups, 50 squats, 5 km run, and 3 hours of sparring with me using a wooden staff understand?"

Zed stood straight and saluted "Yes SIR!" he then continued his exercise but he added another 20 repetition.

Seeing Zed focused on his training Zephyr then went back to their home, when he arrived at his house his wife was crossing her arms and was glaring at Zephyr.

Zephyr seeing his wife's facial expression asked "What is it dear? why are you looking at me like that?"

Mary snorted and said "Hmp! I understand that you want Zed to become a strong marine in the future but do you have to be strict on his training even adding another 20 reps?!?!"

"There, there, you know that I wouldn't do that if I knew our son wouldn't be able to handle it. If you could see his expression while training you will understand that he is enjoying every part of it" Zephyr said trying to comfort the mad tigress.

Mary calmed down a little and said "You better be sure Mister! so who's gonna train him if you're gone? If Zed want's to train then I want to make sure that his instructor should also be good."

Zephyr thought for a moment then said "My co-Admiral Sengoku adopted a child last year and wanted him to train also, I thought that it would be good to introduce Zed to him so that he could make some friends while training"

He then continued "About the instructor part, me and Sengoku would switch turns teaching the both of them."

Mary nodded happily when she heard that her son would be having a friend while training.