Best Friend

After finishing his story Rosinante didn't cry at all and still looked calmy, he then said "After that incident I promised to myself to apprehend that monster brother of mine, So I decided to become a a marine"

Zed nodded and stood up "Thank you for telling me your deepest secret Rosinante, from now on we will do things together after finishing our training here don't ever forget to call me If you find yourself in any troubles"

Rosinante smiled hearing this and nodded "Of course, I will also be here if you ever encounter any troubles."

They looked at each other and laughed they then simultaneuously bumped fist and ran back home.

2 months later Zed and Rosinante were continuing their training, Zed can now do 80 reps and 8km run while Rosinante can do 50 reps and 5km run.

Sengoku who was currently overseeing their training smiled seeing them training hard on their foundation build training.

He approached them and said "When you can finally do 500 reps of exercise and a 100km run I will be teaching you the 6 powers of the marines."

Just as Sengoku expected when the two heard this they immediately trained harder, Sengoku nodded in appreciation seeing this and continued watching them train.

And just like that 2 years easily passed by, it was currently year 1496 and Zed was now 7 years old while Rosinante is 11.

"You can do it Rosinante! 50 more reps!" Zed encouraged Rosinante at the side.

Rosinante was doing squats and was counting "151,152,153,154 ... 155" he sweating bullets and had a serious face.

Zed was at the side still cheering for his friend.

"191,192,193,194 .. 195,196,197,198,199 ... 200!" Rosinante shouted at the last number and plopped down.

Zed smiled seeing this and approached the exhausted Rosinante he then congratulated him "You finally did it Rosinante! but you aren't finish yet because you still need to finish the 20 km run"

Rosinante who was laying on ground stood up shakily with heavy breaths he started running.

Zed seeing this laughed and ran beside Rosinante, he didn't finished his 35km run becuase he was waiting for Rosinante.

2 hours later Zed could be seen carrying an unconscious Rosinante walking towards their home.

(I can already do 350 reps while running 35km everyday, Rosinante is also doing great and can already do 200 reps with 20km run) Zed thought while still carrying Rosinante.

"Oh? Did he faint again Zed?" Sengoku who was reading a newspaper asked.

Zed nodded and dropped Rosinante carefully "Yes Uncle, but he manage to finish his 20km run then fainted."

Sengoku smiled hearing this and said "That's is good to hear, you should go inside and have some rest and leave Rosinante to me."

Zed bowed at Sengoku and entered the house to change his clothes and slept.

"Zed! wake up!"

Zed who was still sleeping was awoken by his mother's voice, he slowly sat on his bed and asked.

"What is it Mom? It's still early in the morning" Zed said while rubbing his eyes.

Mary caressed her son's head and said "You should get up because your Uncle Sengoku is leaving and Rosinante will be joining him."

"What?!" Zed exclaimed when he heard the Rosinante is leaving, he immediately jumped off his bed and ran towards the docks.

Sengoku and Rosinante were currently staring at the Marine ship that is being docked.

"Are you sure you want to go back to the headquarters?" Sengoku asked.

Rosinante turned around and glanced at the island the he trained for two years and nodded "I am sure, I would like to train at the headquarters."

Sengoku didn't say anything and made his way towards the ship, Rosinante was about to follow behind him when suddenly he heard someone shouting.

"ROOOSIIIINAAAAANTEEEE!" Zed was runnung with all his might while shouting.

Rosinante was surprised seeing Zed, he didn't told him that he will leave because he didn't know what to say now that Zed was here he didn't know how to react.

While Rosinante was still thinking of what to do Zed finally reached him and was trying to catch his breath.

"*pant*pant* You're really mean do you know that?" Zed said while staring at his best friend.

Rosinante lowered his head ashamed to even look at Zed.

Seeing Rosinante being a wimp, Zed clenched his fist and punched Rosinate on his stomach.

"Ugh! What did you do that for?" Rosinante asked while cluthcing his stomach.

"Hmp! why are you lowering your head while your friend is talking to you?!" Zed said while motioning to punch again.

Seeing Zed still wanted to punch him Rosinante raised his hand and said "Stop! Stop! I'm sory okay? I just didn't know how to face you, I didn't told you about my plan to leave because I'm scared that you will get mad at me and will stop being my friend."

Hearing Rosinante's reason Zed laughed loudly.

Seeing that Zed was laughing at him Rosinante became embarrassed and asked while raising his voice "Why are laughing?!"

Zed stopped laughing and looked at Rosinante, he then punched him in the chest and said "Why would I get mad you? I know that you just wanted to be stronger. It's true that I will be lonely all alone but I'm more excited to see how your training will go in the headquarters."

Zed said while staring at Rosinante, he exerted some force in his fist making Rosinate lean and continued "5 years! In 5 years I will be going to the headquarters and see how strong you got."

Rosinate was shocked hearing this and he couldn't help but tear up, he nodded and said "Heh! I hope that you won't disappoint me when I see you again."

Zed grinned and hugged his best friend, after the hug he then pushed Rosinante and said "Go now! I hate this kind of stuff It makes me look less manly."

Rosinante nodded and boarded the ship, the marine officers then retrieved the stairs and started sailing.

Zed was staring at the Marine ship that was leaving and promised that he will get stronger in 5 years as to not disappoint his best friend's expectation.