Roger,Xebec and Shiki

Rose Island

Zed was currently fasing off against a black panther, It waa so fast that Zed already has a few cuts on his arm.

(I didn't noticed that I already ventured deeper into the forest, looks like this is the Lord of this area) Zed thought while gazing at the huge panther.


Using soru Zed disappeared from his spot and re-appeared beside the panther "Rankyaku!"


The panther was hit on it's side and crashed down on a tree, Zed didn't stop there and used soru again but this he used his arm, He used two fingers and aimed it towards the panther's heart "Shigan!"


Having it's heart pierced the panther immediately lost his life, Zed breathed in a sigh of relief after killing it.

"It's almost a year now, my soru and ranyaku are now in the advance stage while my shigan and geppo are on the intermediate stage." Zed said talking to himself.

He also learned Kami-e and Tekkai but they were still on the primary stage.

Not far from Zed a man wearing a marine uniform was looking at Zed while murmuring to himself "He really is a monster, good thing that he is the son of Admiral Z."

This was the marine the Zephyr ordered to watch over his son, he was a marine captain of the HQ named Jack.

Going back to his camp Zed sat down and gaze up on the sky "I really want to see the world but I am still too weak *sigh*" Zed said to himself.

While Zed was still thinking about travelling to the sea, a huge battle was being taken place in the grandline.

"Roger! This is your last chance to join me or else you and your crew will die today!" Golden Lion Shiki said while grinning towards Roger.

"Wahahahaha, Don't make me repeat myself Shiki. If you want to defeat then give me your best shot!" Roger replied while laughing.

"Captain! let's just surrender please?" Buggy said with a pleading voice.

Rayleigh hearing what buggy said laugh and patted Buggy's head "It's useless to persuade the Captain, we should prepare ourselves for the upcoming battle Buggy."


Kong was having a meeting with Garp,Sengoku and Zephyr.

"What is going on Garp?! didn't I told you to capture that pirate Roger?" Kong said angrily.

Garp who was picking his nose glanced at Kong and said "But that guy is no ordinary pirate, he already knows how to use haki and is a grandmaster stage already."

Sengoku nodded and also said "Garp's right, he is a strong pirate Kong. I helped Garp capture him but his right hand man Silvers Rayleigh stopped me from interfering."

Zephyr who was seated on the side was in deep thought, after thinking for a while he finally spoke "I think this situation isn't that bad, we should let them destroy each other and focus our attention at "The Rocks" pirates."

Kong nodded in agreement and said "You're right, Whitebeard and Big Mom already left the crew 2 years ago so we should have a better chance on defeating Xebec."

Garp became energetic hearing this and stood up while warming up his shoulder "Good choice Kong, let me handle Xebec and you should bring Sengoku to watch the battle between Roger and Shiki in case someone wants interferes and wants to cause more trouble."

Sengoku frowned hearing and interjected "What are you saying Garp? you think you can handle Xebec and his crew all alone?"

Garp was about to nod when suddenly Zephyr spoke "I will go with him, so stop worrying about Garp and just focus on your task Sengoku."

Garp hearing that Zephyr will join him wanted to complain but seeing the serious look his three companions were giving him, he chose to swallow his words and nodded reluctantly.

Seeing that everything was already decided Kong stood up and said "With that said I hope that you guys will be able to achieve all your missions successfully!"