Prophecy of the Hero

"Your Highness!! We must hurry!" A soldier implored to a girl in hooded robes.

"Your Highness!! We have to leave at once!"

"Shushh... Let her be... she only wants to bid farewell.

The girl looked at a castle behind her being destroyed. Dead soldiers, broken walls, melted buildings, and burning hellfire consumed her home. She remembered this place as a peaceful world, where the only problem she had was preparing to be a queen. Tears rolled on her cheeks as she now only saw devastation and evilness.

The Princess of Lunaria, Princess Ellune. She was taken to safety by some loyal Palace Guards and simply vanished from Lunaria. All Lunarians were sad for the loss of their beloved royalty. The people were then oppressed by Malibourne, taking anyone with exemplary life energy to add to his Orb to make it more powerful. The gods this time cannot keep on with his power. Every attempt to defeat Malibourne ended in failure.

The Oracle of Lunaria, Priestess Valune, had a vision. In her vision, she saw a young dragon pretending to be human. The Dragon fell in love with a beautiful human female. He made her conceive a child, a human who inherited his dragon powers. It loved both the female human and the child, but it was a rule of the heavens that dragons shouldn't live with humans. As kin who broke the commandments of his clan, the young dragon was cast into imprisonment by solitude on the Central Continent. So the Dragon was forced to leave the mother and child as he faced the punishment.

"Th..This..!!" Priestess Valune opened her eyes and stared at the skies. She was sweating and breathing heavily.

"Lady Valune!" a priestess called out to her.

"What happened? Valune... are you alright?" a high priestess asked anxiously.

"Fellow Priestess... High Priestess... A Prophecy... I have received a prophecy from the heavens!

"Speak of it Valune, that we may know!"

Valune sucked in a mouthful of mana to regain her strength. "50 years from now, a hero will rise... a half-human-half-dragon will appear. This being will have the power to fight against Malibourne and the Orb...."

"That's good news!! Is there more? Tell us!"

"I was not shown of the events that will happen after the rise of the hero..."

The high priestess gave a mournful sigh "I see... then we cannot conclude if this hero will win... or lose..."

It took 50 years since the prophecy was shown for the hero to appear. His name was Reign Eclipse, son of the Crystal Dragon. He fought Malibourne and the Phoenix Orb. With the Crystal Dragon's attributes, he was immune to mana absorption. Malibourne then vanished from the face of Lunaria. But the Phoenix Orb still remained. It was self-renewing. Every time the orb was destroyed, it just returns to its original form. The orb was too powerful and Reign was wise enough to know that he cannot wield such dangerous artifact. So he sealed and protected it. He hid it away in a place that was safe from the hands of evil.

Due to Malibourne's battle with Reign and the gods, Lunaria was in ruins. Lunarians then agreed to disperse and settle at the southern part of the Pearl continent. The Queendom of mixed races, which lost its rulers fragmented into 8. Alluria the largest group of settlers, Mardoka Black Steel, Emerald, Holy Land of Lir, Dragon Forge, Zebul, Dark Wing Agnakar and Wiztra of the wind.

The 8 Nations:

Alluria, ruled by the Grand Knight King Alluria Silversword, prospered and became a great city-state. The Knights of Alluria became famous for their strength and valor. Then the Silver Sword Knight Academy was founded. And thus Alluria became the Kingdom of the Knights.

Mardokans of the Black Steel Kingdom were Miners and Craftsmen. They excelled in inventing mechanical objects and machinery. Masters of the Smith, they excelled in technology and made excellent equipment.

Emerald, land of the Nephilims. They were sons and daughters of gods who became mortals. They think of other beings as inferior to them.

Holy Land of Lir, led by the Priestess Valune, became a Queendom. They found a place that was abundant in energy and settled there.

Dragon Forge, Kingdom of the Dwarves.

Zebul, the nation of the Beastmen was composed of 7 tribes. The tribes banded together and formed the "Council of Seven." Endowed with Physical strength, the Zebuls lived peacefully in the Fields of Gremon.

Dark Wing Agnakar also became a very powerful country. The Founders of Alluria and Agnakar were rivals. Grand Knight King Alluria Silversword and Death Knight King Agnakar Ironfingers were fellow apprentices of a great knight from the ancient Lunaria. Before, they only had friendly competitions, but later developed into bloody confrontations. From then on, the two Kingdoms were in a state of war which resulted in contesting each other's territories.

Wiztra of the Wind was a group of scholars dedicated to learning. They maintained a neutral political stand and never took sides in controversies. Their high intelligence level earned them the name, "The Great Sages." Their country provided schools for all the other nations.

"And that's what the book says." Alice concluded as she closed the book and gave it back to Nana.

"That was It? I want to hear more!" Nana faintly said as she started to yawn.

"Big sister is done reading the whole book Nana..." Maurice uttered while stretching.


"Big sister Alice... umm... do you know anything that happened after that?"

"Hmmm... do you really want to know?" Alice asked in a teasing manner.

"YESSSS!!" the trio replied energetically.

"Hehehehe... ok... Four hundred years passed..."