
Next to ye Ziyun sat a tall and handsome boy who was, occasionally, catching a glimpse of Ye Ziyun. He noticed that Ye Ziyun was looking at Nie Li. He threw a furious look towards Nie Li. His height was slightly taller than Nie Li's, and he began to emit a faint yin aura.

Naturally, Nie Li recognised this person. He was Shen Yue. He belonged to the Sacred Family, which was one of the three Major families and had extraordinary talent. Shen Xiu, who was currently speaking on the stage, was his aunt.

In Nie Li's past life, Shen Yue had always been Ye Ziyun's pursuer. Before Glory City was destroyed, Shen Yue and Ye Ziyun had almost gotten married. In the eyes of their families, they had always been a perfect match. If Glory City hadn't been destroyed, both of them would have definitely gotten married. The attack of the Snow Wind beasts had begun before they could undergo the marriage ceremony. Before the city was broken through by the beasts, the Sacred Family betrayed Glory City by abandoning their duties and fleeing.

This may be the work of fate. Ye Ziyun did not become Shen Yue's wife in his previous life. Instead, she had some kinship activities with Nie Li.

Thinking back, Nie Li couldn't help laughing in his heart. However, after seeing Ye Ziyun and Shen Yue's glares, Nie Li couldn't help feeling a headache forming. The current Ye Ziyun had a few good impressions of Shen Yue. Yet, the look that Ye Ziyun gave to Nie Li was full of disdain. Ye Ziyun must have thought of him as a lazy, playful person.

When he saw Ye Ziyun look in his direction, Nie Li felt a lag in his breath. When he saw that familiar face, he began to think of everything that happened in his previous life. Nie Li couldn't help feeling sour in his nose. He revealed a smile as he looked deeply at Ye Ziyun.

'Many thanks to the Temporal Demon Spirit Book. It allowed us to meet once again.' Nie Li silently thought with gratitude.

'Weirdo,' Ye Ziyun thought. She felt that Nie Li's gaze was somewhat strange. His bright eyes shined like stars, with a touch of sadness. Ye Ziyun's heart was filled with questions. Did she know Nie Li? Why did he look at her with that kind of gaze?

Ye Ziyun was a beauty with white teeth and vermillion lips. She was like a lotus blooming silently, while having an unspeakably cute temperament. This was why so many boys were fascinated by her.

At this point, Shen Xiu's gaze swept past Nie Li's body. The action of these thirteen-fourteen years old kids couldn't escape her eyes. She was a Silver rank Demon Spiritualist. She had already reached a state of having the mind and body being one powerful sixth sense. Her eyesight was extremely keen. She could even see a fleeing rat from over a hundred meters away.

Ye Ziyun had a noble identity. She had the status of being the daughter of Glory City's City Lord, as well as being the granddaughter of the Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, Ye Mo. Not only that, she had a cyan soul realm formed within her dantian. A rare talent!

Only a few people in the Holy Orchid Institute knew of Ye Ziyun's identity. If Shen Yue managed to have Ye Ziyun as his wife, it could strongly strengthen the Sacred Family's position in Glory City. This was also why he was in the Fighter Apprentice class. It was also another reason why Shen Xiu was teaching this class.

Shen Xiu reverted her transformation with both of her arms hugging her chest. Her eyes swept across the students and said " For the next two years, all of you are my students. Although the principal mentioned that Holy Orchid Institute's students are equal, I have to let you know the ugly truth. In this world, equality doesn't exist!" Shen Xiu spoke in a slightly shrill voice. Her words were like daggers that heavily stabbed into the hearts of the students.

The students below the stage were quietly listening. No one spoke a word.

"After you have all grown up and left this school, you will agree with my words. Equality is merely a lie that adults feed you. You can't be living in a fairy tale forever," Shen Xiu said, lowering her head to look at the students. "Glory City is the only city that has been preserved throughout the Age of Darkness. We are the only surviving humans. Within Glory City there are two kinds of powerful existences. The Fighters and the Demon Spiritualists. A Demon Spiritualist's existence is noble. Only one Fighter within thousands or tens of thousands could have a chance of being born a powerful Demon Spiritualist. Right now, in all of Glory City, only a few thousand Demon Spiritualists exist. We are the guardians of Glory City!"

"Fighters and Demon Spiritualists are divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold and Legend ranks. The higher the rank, the more powerful one is. If a family produces a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, they can become an Aristocratic family. If a family produces a Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, they can become a Noble family. If a family produces three Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualists or a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, that family can become a Major family. We have thirty-six people here. Some come from commoner families, some come from noble families. Although your starting points are the same, your identities are not. I hope each and every one of you has self-awareness and a degree of manners. Commoners will always remain commoners. It's impossible for you to become an Aristocratic family, so do not dream of rising up to become a phoenix. Even within nobility, they have a strict difference of levels that can never be exceeded."

Under Shen Xiu's gaze, the students that were simply dressed in the class showed discomfort on their faces. They were embarrassed and lowered their heads. Shen Xiu, and a few nobles, proudly pushed out their chests and showed arrogant pride. Only Nie Li, Ye Ziyun, Lu Piao and a few other nobles kept calm.

Nie Li looked to the side. Du Ze was wearing slightly worn out clothing. He was clenching his fists tightly, and biting his lips. Du Ze came from a commoner family. His family's circumstances were extremely tough. But Nie Li knew that Du Ze's self-esteem was very strong.

In Nie Li's past life, Du Ze was very hardworking, even though his family's circumstances weren't good. His talent wasn't too bad either. With enormous effort, he became a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist. He had achieved this without the support of large resources, and no exceptional talent. He depended on his own hard work to reach such a level. One can only imagine how much effort he had to put in.

Before Glory City was destroyed, many noble families were thinking about how to escape. Only the commoners fought for Glory City down to their last breath.

Du Ze was Nie Li's friend, one of his most esteemed friends.

Seeing Shen Xiu's face was full of contempt. Nie Li couldn't help feeling a surge of anger within his heart. In his past life, before Glory City was broken through, the Sacred Family was the first to flee. Therefore, Nie Li didn't have any pleasant impressions of them. Whether it was Shen Yue or Shen Xiu, there weren't any redeeming qualities. In his past life, Shen Xiu was very harsh, which lead to Nie Li disliking her.

"Teacher Shen Xiu, I have a question," Nie Li suddenly spoke.

All the students were listening quietly and Nie Li suddenly interrupted her speech. This made Shen Xiu unhappy. Shen Xiu recognised Nie Li since he was the one who had coveted over Ye Ziyun. The words she spoke previously were directed at Nie Li. Who would have thought that Nie Li would actually speak up?

She coldly snorted, "What is it?"

"Teacher Shen Xiu says that Glory City is the only one that survived the Age of Darkness, that we are the only surviving humans. What proof do you have on this statement? May I ask if teacher ever went out of the St. Ancestral Mountains and visited the Endless Desert, the Toxic Forest, the Blood Moon Marsh, the Spirit Gulf, the Heavenly Luster Mountains, and the Northern Snow before?" Nie Li asked.

As someone who was reborn, and had retained his past experiences, Nie Li could completely look down on Shen Xiu.

'What Heavenly Luster Mountain? What Northern Snow?' Shen Xiu frowned. She had heard of the Endless Desert, Toxic Forest and Blood Moon Marsh before, but those places were very far away from the St. Ancestral Mountains. She had only heard of them in legends.

Shen Xiu snorted, "I've been in Glory City since birth, and have never been to those places."

Nie Li smiled faintly and said, "Since Teacher Shen Xiu never went to those places, how can you be so sure that we are the only human-beings alive?"

Shen Xiu was at a loss for words.

The students in the class started to talk quietly. They have no idea what kind of places Nie Li was talking about. Ye Ziyun, who was sitting far away, began to show interest that flashed across her eyes. She curiously looked at Nie Li. How did Nie Li know of these places?

Shen Yue, who was sitting beside Ye Ziyun, slightly frowned his brows. He looked towards Nie Li and realised that he was quite handsome. Nie Li wasn't below him in terms of looks. Unknowingly, he felt a sense of crisis within his heart.

Seeing the students below discussing away, Shen Xiu's face looked extremely displeased and she scoffed, "So what? How can you prove that we are not the last surviving human-beings?"


Nie Li faintly smiled. His experiences from his past life are the proof. Mankind's wisdom is amazing. After experiencing the Age of Darkness, a lot of humans still survived. They built many monumental cities. But he couldn't say that out loud. Instead, he calmly said, "Let me tell Teacher Shen Xiu a story. There was once a frog in the depth of a well. since it's birth, it had always been in that well. Since the start it could only see a part of the sky, so it claimed that the sky was only as big as the hole of the well. But is the sky only the size of the hole? We could only say that the frog was ignorant."

Listening to what Nie Li just said, the students in the class couldn't help laughing. They felt that what Nie Li said makes sense. And the idiom, "a frog viewing the sky from the bottom of a well", was indirectly calling Teacher Shen Xiu a frog.

"Viewing the sky from the bottom of a well, what an appropriate description," a few girls said while giggling away. They all disliked Shen Xiu, and couldn't help looking at Nie Li with gazes full of admiration, since Nie Li was the only one daring enough to openly insult a teacher in class.

"You..." Shen Xiu started as she stared at Nie Li. She was furious to the point of almost vomiting blood. Nie Li actually compared her to an ignorant frog. She had never encountered such a rampant student.

Ye Ziyun, who was sitting far away, couldn't control her laughter as well. She realised that Nie Li was quite interesting and was rather eloquent with his words. He had actually made Teacher Shen Xiu speechless.

Ye Ziyun was a natural beauty. Her smile was fascinating. Nie Li winked towards Ye Ziyun and smiled.

Seeing Nie Li's expression, Ye Ziyun immediately turned her head back, and thought in her heart, 'Such audacity!'

Nie Li's impression in her heart was still that of a bad student.

Watching Nie Li not only choke Teacher Shen Xiu, but also tease Ye Ziyun, Lu Piao couldn't help raising a thumb at him, thinking this guy was awesome.

Nie Li looked at Shen Xiu and continued "Teacher Shen Xiu, I still have another question."

Shen Xiu was about to die from anger, but she couldn't flare up here. She could only reply in a bad mood, "What question do you still have?!"

"Teacher Shen Xiu said, 'a commoner will always remain a commoner, they can never become a noble.' I have a little question. Wasn't the Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, Ye Mo, a commoner when he was still young?" Nie Li asked, blinking his eyes a few times, looking at Shen Xiu. "Is Teacher Shen Xiu not aware of this?"