Soul Forming

Xiao Yi stared coldly at Xiao Ning'er. "This wouldn't be an excuse, right?" Xiao Yi then threw a glance at Xiao Yunfeng. This father and daughter were definitely hiding something!

Xiao Ning'er's brows slightly twitched while she stared at Xiao Yi and said, "Uncle, isn't what you're saying a little bit too much? I, Xiao Ning'er swear to the heavens that every single word I've said is absolutely the truth!"

After hearing Xiao Ning'er's words, Xiao Yi slightly believed in them because he thoroughly understood the character of Xiao Ning'er. Xiao Yi went silent for a moment before continuing. "Since that friend is Niece Ning'er's friend, why doesn't Niece Ning'er go and ask for those Purple Haze Grasses back?"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Xiao Ning'er's expression changed. "Uncle what do you mean?! He was the one that asked me to buy those Purple Haze Grasses. If I were to ask him for them back, wouldn't I become someone who goes back on her words?"

"This matter concerns the interest of the family!"Xiao Yi's face reddened as he argued.

"Xiao Yi, let this matter rest. Even if we were to ask him for them back, would he give it back?" Xiao Yunfeng's eyes lightly swept past Xiao Yi. Naturally, he wouldn't allow Xiao Yi to force Ning'er like this.

"Not necessarily, we must see the origin of the other party!" Xiao Yi slightly sneered and continued, "If the other party doesn't have any origin, this does not necessarily mean that we can't try to get them to take it out!"

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Xiao Ning'er's anger began to surge within her. The Lightning Winged Dragon technique within her could not be suppressed any longer and began to operate, her soul realm constantly shook. Faint sounds of wind and thunder could be heard, and a cyan light burst into the sky. A powerful aura began spreading throughout the four directions.

In just a moment, being affected by intense emotions had caused Xiao Ning'er's soul force to jump. Her soul realm seemed to be undergoing a transformation.

"What happened? What's happening to Ning'er?" Xiao Yunfeng widened his eyes and looked at Xiao Ning'er in astonishment. Xiao Ning'er had just stepped into the 1-star Bronze rank not long ago. How could she have such a powerful soul force? The soul force emitting out from Xiao Ning'er's body caused even a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist like him to feel pressured!

Xiao Yi also stared at Xiao Ning'er in astonishment. What cultivation technique did Xiao Ning'er practice? Such powerful soul force couldn't be from someone who had just stepped into the 1-star Bronze rank.

Streams of light were overflowing all over the four directions with Xiao Ning'er as the center. Her soul force was like ribbons surrounding Xiao Ning'er and making her look sacred, like the arrival of a heavenly fairy. As the soul force condensed, it gradually gathered at the back of Xiao Ning'er and formed a pair transparent wings.

"Soul forming!" Seeing this scene, including Xiao Yi, the six elders all stood up from their seats, with faces full of shock.

Even Xiao Yunfeng was shocked by this scene. He would never have thought that his daughter's cultivation would be this rapid. It had actually reached the level of soul forming!

Soul forming. This was caused by the ultimate pureness of soul force! Demon Spiritualists that could soul form were extremely rare and it could normally only be done by Gold rank genius Demon Spiritualists. Within every ten Gold rank Demon Spiritualists, there might not even be one that could reach the realm of soul forming. However, once a Demon Spiritualist gained the ability to soul form, their soul force would be extremely powerful. Their future cultivation would at least reach the realm of Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualist and above. There was even a possibility of reaching the Legend rank!

Xiao Ning'er raised her head, coldly looking at Xiao Yi and firmly said, "The person that entrusted me to acquire Purple Haze Grass is my benefactor. If uncle plans anything unfavourable against him, then even if my cultivation is far from uncle's, I will still fight with my life to stop uncle!"

The expression on Xiao Ning'er's face was resolute and her voice was as solid as icicles, directly striking at people's heart.

Bronze rank and she could already soul form. That proved that her talent had reached an unimaginable level. Not to mention that Xiao Ning'er was still only 13 years old; however, what would it be like in a few years? This kind of genius cultivation speed was extremely shocking. In a few years she would be able to reach the Silver rank, Gold rank or even a much higher rank!

Xiao Yi flinched. According to the family rules, since Xiao Ning'er had shown the ability to soul form, from today onwards, her place in the family would be even higher than Xiao Yunfeng's!

In the ancestral teachings of the Winged Dragon Family, no matter when it was, the status of martial genius in the family had always been extremely high. If there had been any cyan or azure soul realms, the family would have spared no effort to nurture them and their position in the family would have been very important. This was because only a genius could allow the family to reach the peak of its peak!

Despite Xiao Ning'er only having a green soul realm, she was able to soul form, which was even more rare than having a cyan soul realm! Because in history, there had been a lot of cyan soul realm Demon Spiritualists; however, they were all unknown. Only a tenth of them had managed to reach a realm higher than Gold rank. Which was completely different from those that could soul form because those who could soul form were capable of achievements which were all not below the Gold rank!

Once the family confirmed that a certain younger generation member was a genius, then the whole family would have to pave the way for this super genius at all costs!

The group of elders looked at each other and even the two elders who opposed Xiao Yunfeng also did not hesitate to agree with him.

"Ning'er is only at the Bronze rank and is already able to soul form. Her future achievements will be extraordinary!"

"Congratulations to house master, congratulations Ning'er. Our Winged Dragon Family will finally have its day!"

Even the few elders who originally wanted Xiao Ning'er to hand over the Purple Haze Grass all revealed a pleased smile on their faces and couldn't help but speak words of praise towards her! The talent that Xiao Ning'er had revealed was too shocking. No one could imagine what extent Xiao Ning'er would grow to.

Hearing the praises of the few elders, Xiao Yunfeng felt comfortable and laughed.

"What about the wedding agreement with the Sacred Family?" Xiao Yi murmured. As Xiao Yunfeng only had one daughter, if Xiao Ning'er were to be married off to the Sacred Family, Xiao Yi would be able to take the house master position. But now, the situation was not as he had expected.

"Xiao Yi, must we give our only genius of the younger generation that could allow the comeback of our family to the Sacred Family?" One elder retorted. If Xiao Ning'er were to be wed off to the Sacred Family, then she would become one of the Sacred Family's members and would have nothing to do with the Winged Dragon Family anymore. Therefore, they absolutely couldn't let that happen.

Xiao Yi felt depressed because he had originally gathered several elders as preparations to snatch the house master position from Xiao Yunfeng. However, after Xiao Ning'er's display of her talent, it caused all those elders to go to Xiao Yunfeng's side.

"With the good news that Ning'er has brought us, how can that be compared to some Purple Haze Grass?" Another elder chuckled.

Xiao Ning'er was a little surprised by the sudden changes in the elders' attitude. Earlier on, under the overflowing emotion, her soul force had inadvertently had a breakthrough, causing her to actually reach the level of soul forming. If it hadn't been for the Lightning Winged Dragon technique, Xiao Ning'er definitely wouldn't have been able to release the powerful talent in her soul realm!

Even when practising the Lightning Winged Dragon technique, the chances of soul forming were still very low. Xiao Ning'er could be considered to have been granted a blessing in disguise.

Xiao Ning'er became even more grateful towards Nie Li. If it hadn't been for him, Xiao Ning'er wouldn't know how her current situation would be like.

"Regarding the Sacred Family, we still currently can't afford to offend them. There's still two years until the engagement, so we'll drag it out first, you need not worry!" Xiao Yunfeng proudly laughed. Although he was the house master, he had been under the pressure of several elders. However, today he could finally let out a breath because Ning'er hadn't disappointed him.

"Ning'er, what's your current soul force?" Xiao Yunfeng asked.

"The last time I took a test, it was 105." Xiao Ning'er replied. It seemed that after soul forming, her soul force had grown stronger.

"Take a soul crystal out and test it!" Xiao Yunfeng lightly smiled.

Xiao Ning'er took out a soul crystal and injected her soul force into the soul crystal. The soul crystal got more and more dazzling and bright, faint sounds of wind and thunder could also be heard.

However, Xiao Yunfeng and the rest were only focused on seeing the strength of the soul force.

"Soul force of 362?!" Whether it was Xiao Yunfeng or the other elders, they all gasped in surprise.

A few days ago, Xiao Ning'er's soul force was only at 105 and in a few days time, it had reached 362? She was already a 3-star Bronze rank Demon Spiritualist?

"Indeed worthy of being a genius that comprehended soul forming!" The group of elders were all both surprised and overjoyed, only Xiao Yi was gloomy.

Xiao Ning'er was also very surprised by the results. She never would have imagined that her soul force would increase so rapidly. With this, the elders in the family wouldn't force her to be married into the Sacred Family anymore. Thinking again that all of this had been given by Nie Li, thinking back to everything that Nie Li had done for her, Xiao Ning'er couldn't help but feel sweetness in her heart.

Xiao Ning'er clenched her fists tightly. She must continue to work hard! Only by having sufficient strength would she be able to get rid of the need to succumb under the pressure of the Sacred Family and be married off to Shen Fei!

In the silent night.

Nie Li was currently practising while sitting cross-legged. He gradually entered a meditative state, his soul realm was also in a very calm state.

While he was operating the Heavenly God technique, the heavenly and earthly energies around him began to converge towards Nie Li's body. His soul force continued to grow constantly.

Except for a slight breeze whistling pass, the night became increasingly quiet.

Under Nie Li's control, the soul force hovered around his body. The muscles throughout his body began to tremble in rhythm and growing stronger, just like a zithers' string after being struck. This was the effect caused by the Heavenly God technique. It was able to train both the soul force and the strength of the physical body at the same time.

Nie Li stopped practising after midnight. He had to do so until his soul force was strong enough, otherwise practising at midnight would cause side effects.

He took out the soul crystal and began to test his soul force. His soul force had already reached 82. It seemed that the results of these few days of practice were quite good.

Looking afar, there were a few shadows talking back and forth. They were the people who were in charge of keeping watch.

Suddenly, a trace of strange odor came over, it seemed to be some kind of demon beast's scent. Nie Li's face became alert and he stood up.

It would be troubling if the camp were to be under a demon beast's attack!

Nie Li immediately stood up and walked towards the depth of the forest.