Abstruse Gemstone

Ye Ziyun seemed to be in pain as she slightly frowned.

Her beautiful face, features, and hair scattered over her shoulders, all emitted elegance.

Even though she was frowning, there was still an indescribable feel to her.

At this moment, Ye Ziyun was only wearing her laced ribbon over her chest. Even her dress had a lot of damage, revealing her snow white thighs and adding on to her tempting charms.

After his rebirth, Nie Li had been able to ignore other's temptation. However, Ye Ziyun's beauty made even him breath heavily. Every time when he saw Ye Ziyun, he would think back to the moments when he was together with her in their previous life. Although the time that they were together was short, it was rife with deep feelings, and was the most precious moment in his life.

Only Nie Li knew how charming Ye Ziyun would become in a few years. She would become like a blooming lotus, beautiful and elegant, and as a fairy descended from the heavens, noble and sacred.

At that time, the amount of people that had been in love with Ye Ziyun was simply countless. Countless men were willing to go crazy for her, Shen Yue included. Shen Yue had tried to bring her out of Glory City which had been in imminent danger numerous times, however he had been rejected by Ye Ziyun and had had no choice but to give up. In the end, Ye Ziyun had chosen the ordinary Nie Li, and that was the most glorious thing in Nie Li's life!

After treating her wounds, even though he was a little unwilling, Nie Li covered Ye Ziyun with a piece of his clothing, as her clothes could no longer be worn.

He had the patience to wait for Ye Ziyun to accept him, growing up with him like it had been in the past.

Nie Li, cross-legged, sat beside Ye Ziyun. Feeling the mysterious power on the remnant page of the Temporal Demon Spirit Book, his soul force within his soul realm began to stir up.

If a chance came, he definitely had to go to the desert palace to retrieve the Temporal Demon Spirit Book!

After absorbing the white light, Nie Li felt that his soul force had increased by quite a bit. At this moment, Nie Li's soul force was already above 150. Nie Li could clearly feel that the energy within the white lights contained more power than this. However, most of it was still hidden deep within his soul realm. He didn't know when he would be able to make the powerful energy his own.

Nie Li slowly went into a meditative state. His soul force was like a substance flowing around him.

Just as Nie Li became immersed in his training, Ye Ziyun woke up.

Touching her own body, she realised that she wasn't wearing any clothes. Immediately, her face paled.

'Nie Li, this bastard, he's too much!'

It was only when she felt that she was still wearing her skirt that she was slightly relieved. However, she was still full of shame and resentment in her heart. Since young, her body had never been seen by a boy, and Nie Li had actually removed her clothes while she was unconscious!

Her expression was complicated because she knew that Nie Li had only removed her clothes to treat her injuries. However, Ye Ziyun still couldn't accept it. Nie Li had to have done it on purpose, she also didn't know what he had done to her when she was unconscious!

After all, she still didn't understand Nie Li that much. Therefore, her heart was still wary towards him.

Nie Li who was sitting beside Ye Ziyun slowly opened his eyes, lightly smiled, "You've awakened?"

Seeing Nie Li's gaze, Ye Ziyun suddenly realised that she still hadn't put on any clothes. Tightly holding onto Nie Li's clothes, she anxiously said, "Turn around! I need to wear my clothes!"

Nie Li turned his head around, smiling, "Not like I haven't see it before."

Hearing Nie Li's words, Ye Ziyun's face blushed red. She even had the thought of putting down her lady image to bash Nie Li up. She felt ashamed and resentful in her heart, especially because Nie Li had said it so casually. Earlier on when Nie Li had mentioned the butterfly mark on her body, she had already suspected that Nie Li had peeked on her as she bathed!

Hastily, Ye Ziyun put on her clothes, and said in a low voice, "Done."

Nie Li turned around and his eyes brightened. Ye Ziyun currently wore a purple dress, intensifying her beautiful youth. Well, Ye Ziyun looked good in everything.

Ye Ziyun stared at Nie Li and felt depressed. Nie Li's shamelessness made her feel helpless.

"Nie Li, do you like me?" Ye Ziyun asked while raising her head after lowering it in thought for a while.

"Yes!" Nie Li lightly smiled and admitted frankly.

Although she already knew it in her heart, after hearing it from Nie Li, Ye Ziyun's heart slightly fluttered. Taking a deep breath, sternly she said to Nie Li, "Nie Li, we are still young. Who knows what will happen in the future, maybe in a few more years, you will like someone else. We should put our studies first. Only with hard practice can we go further on the road of cultivation. You should first train to Gold rank. And if by then, you still like me, I'll agree to be your girlfriend."

Ye Ziyun blushed red, her heartbeat inexplicably accelerated.

Seeing Ye Ziyun's shy looks and listening to her words, Nie Li found it somewhat funny. Nie Li looked at Ye Ziyun with ridicule. Was she fooling a child? He blinked his eyes, pretending to be excited and said, "Really?! That's great! Training is too easy. If I were to put in the effort, I can reach Gold rank next year! At that time, you can't go back on your words!" After saying these words, Nie Li secretly laughed inside.

"Next year?" Ye Ziyun was dumbfounded. Next year was too fast, and Nie Li could reach Gold rank next year? She immediately became anxious. "What I meant is, we need to think about this slowly!"

Nie Li's expression suddenly changed and said, "Is Miss Ziyun going back on her words?" Nie Li shrugged, and with an indifferent expression said, "I know, the words that you Major family kids say are all nothing. Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Ye Ziyun saw that within Nie Li's disappointed look was carried a hint of contempt. She bit her lips, then clenched her teeth and said, "A promise will always be kept! If you can reach Gold rank, then that's the promise that will be in effect."

Seeing Ye Ziyun's serious expression, the corner of Nie Li's mouth slightly upturned. He knew that Ye Ziyun never went back on her words. However, setting her up like this, was it a little too much? But heck if he cared. Based on his understanding towards Ye Ziyun, one day, he would win the heart of this beautiful girl.

'Will I really become Nie Li's girlfriend? What does a girlfriend need to do?' Ye Ziyun was a little distracted. Although she still had a good impression towards Nie Li, that was only a good impression between friends. However, if they were to become a couple... Ye Ziyun's thoughts suddenly whirled up.

Ye Ziyun only had a heart for cultivation, and Nie Li's appearance had completely broken the calmness of her heart.

"What is this?" Ye Ziyun looked at the blue gemstone hanging on her neck. The colour of the gemstone was bright. There seemed to be a nebula moving inside it. She could feel the immense power within the gemstone.

"Abstruse gemstone. This is a gift from me to you. Wearing it can increase your training speed three fold and can also nourish your soul force at the same time. Even while walking, it's training your soul force," Nie Li lightly smiled. With his help, even if she didn't work hard, reaching Gold rank was nothing. Reaching even higher wasn't impossible either.

"I cannot accept such a precious thing!" Ye Ziyun hastily said, moving to remove the gemstone from her neck.

Nie Li grabbed her hands and said, "I already have something better. You can take this."

She quickly shook his hands off, her cheeks feeling slightly hot, and became silent for a moment before she said, "Then I'll keep it for you. You can take it back whenever you want it."

"Okay!" Nie Li smiled, then stood up. "Lets go find an exit first!"

Just when Ye Ziyun was about to stand up, she saw Nie Li smiling as he stretched his hand out to her. She hesitated for a moment but still placed that jade hand of hers onto Nie Li's palm.

Nie Li slightly used his strength and pulled her up. His heart was very happy because this beautiful girl in front of him already didn't reject him as much.

Everything inside the hall had been collected. Together with Ye Ziyun, the both of them began searching for an exit within the deep passage. The construct here was like a maze.

After two consecutive days, Nie Li and Ye Ziyun were still in the underground maze wandering as they searched for the exit.

However, over time, using his strong sense of direction, Nie Li began to draw a map of this maze.

--- At the same time, within Ancient Orchid City's stone fort ---

Chen Linjian, Huyan Lanruo and the others were gathered in the stone fort.

"Twenty nine people!" Chen Linjian said, a little depressed. Their trip here had been to explore, however, they hadn't gotten anything and they had already lost eight people. If the people lost were anyone else, he'd still be okay. However, they could not find Ye Ziyun anywhere, and this caused him to feel depressed.

Ye Ziyun was the daughter of the City Lord, granddaughter of Legend rank Ye Mo. If anything happened, he wouldn't be able to take the blame.

Huyan Lanruo looked towards the dense forest a good distance away, hoping to see Nie Li's shadow appearing.

"Forget it. That short lived guy has probably already died," Chu Yuan walked to the side of Huyan Lanruo, saying in a disdainful tone.

"Shut up!" Huyan Lanruo angrily rebuked. She felt that someone as capable as Nie Li wouldn't let anything happen to them.

"This is already a fact! His corpse has probably been eaten by the Spiritual grade Giant Blue Armed Ape!" Chu Yuan laughed. Thinking of his soul force that had been swallowed by Nie Li, his heart felt an indescribable joy thinking that Nie Li was dead. Nie Li had caused years of practice to go to waste.

"Scram!" Huyan Lanruo angrily rebuked. "If you still do not scram, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Chu Yuan opened his mouth wanting to say something, but after seeing Huyan Lanruo's expression, he lightly smiled, shrugged and walked to the side.

Chen Linjian frowned. He shouldn't have placed Ye Ziyun together with Nie Li. If she had been protected by several Silver rank experts, Ye Ziyun would not have gone missing.

"Two people remain here to wait for them. The others will follow me to the military ground!" Chen Linjian shouted. He was a decisive man and clearly understood that there was no use waiting there. They should head for the military ground first and search for Ye Ziyun and Nie Li after that. Hopefully, Ye Ziyun would be safe.

"I'll remain here to wait for them!" Huyan Lanruo thought for a moment then said, her eyes full of sadness. If she couldn't wait until Nie Li came back, she would not go any other place.