Alchemy Master?

Xiao Lan couldn't reject Nie Li's request because there was a rule fixed in the Alchemist Association. Both the Primary Apprentice and the Primary Alchemy Master exams were completely open. Anyone could go for the exam, with no age limitations. They only needed to pay two hundred demon spirit coins for the exam.

Some Senior Apprentices would come and take the exam every month. If they passed all the tests and obtained the rank of Primary Alchemy Master, their identity and status would undergo earth-shaking changes.

However, it was not easy to pass the Alchemy Master exam. Usually in the first round of tests, with hundreds of people taking it, only a few would remain. Furthermore, the second and third rounds of tests were even more difficult.

"Joining the exam for Alchemy Master requires you to pay upfront two hundred demon spirit coins, and it is required to pay first before taking the exam," Miss Xiao Lan said, looking at Nie Li.

"Just two hundred demon spirit coins? Alright, lead the way!" Nie Li said to Xiao Lan. He turned his head towards Xiao Ning'er and bunch.

"You guys remain here. Once I finish the exam, I'll come looking for you guys," Nie Li care-freely said.

"Okay, we'll have dinner together after you finish the exam," Lu Piao laughed. He seemed to have confidence in Nie Li.

"Nie Li, good luck!" Xiao Ning'er gently said, holding both her hands in front of her chest.

Hearing Nie Li and Lu Piao's conversation, Xiao Lan rolled her eyes. This was the Alchemy Master exam, not the Apprentice exam. Nie Li and bunch were being a little ridiculous. Did they think that the Alchemy Master exam was easy? The two hundred demon spirit coins that Nie Li had paid for the exam were wasted. However, it was Nie Li's money, so it was not her problem. She was only required to do her job properly.

"Follow me," Xiao Lan pouted, not saying anything else.

The Primary Alchemy Master exam was located in a long passage that stretched a far distance away. On each side of the passage were small rooms. Every examinee had to go into one of these rooms to finish the complex alchemy knowledge exam. After which, their answers would be assessed by a few Primary Alchemy Masters before going to the next round of the exam.

This time's exam had a total of six participants. Within these six, three were over thirty years old and two already had a head full of white hair.

When they saw Xiao Lan bringing Nie Li in, they were all a little dumbfounded.

One of the thirty year old men had his eyes on Nie Li. His brow slightly frowned and said, "What are you doing here?"

Nie Li raised his head looking at the man and lightly said, "I'm the same as you. I'm here to take the exam."

The man looked at Nie Li's clothes. With just a look, he could see that Nie Li did not belong to any Major family. He contemptuously laughed, "Haha! A kid is actually here to take the Alchemy Master examination. Kid, you're in the wrong place. You should go to the Alchemy Apprentice exam!"

A thirteen-fourteen year old kid was actually here to take the Alchemy Master examination? It was simply an insult to them!

"Who are you?" Nie Li lightly glanced at that man.

"I'm from the Alchemy family, a member of the Chu Family. Name's Chu Ning," Chu Ning proudly said.

"Alchemy family? The Chu Family can actually be considered an alchemy family?" Nie Li sneered in disdain. He suddenly recalled Chu Yuan. The 3-star Bronze rank Demon Spiritist that he had conflicts with at the Ancient Orchid City Ruins. He was also from the Chu Family.

"My Chu Family has had three Senior Alchemy Masters, six Intermediate Alchemy Masters and over twenty Primary Alchemy Masters, how can't we be considered an Alchemy family with that?" Chu Ning proudly declared.

"What's the use of putting past glory along your lips all day long? What about now? Your Chu Family only has one Primary Alchemy Master right now. Can it still be considered an Alchemy family?" Nie Li retorted, laughing away.

Chu Ning had never thought that a kid like Nie Li would actually be so familiar with his family.

"Hmph, so what? I, Chu Ning, will definitely become an Alchemy Master. You still reek of your mother's milk, get lost. This is the exam for Alchemy Masters, not a place for you to be playing at!" Chu Ning snorted.

Although he had taken the exam twice before, he was absolutely confident with this third time.

Hearing Chu Ning's words, the few people beside him lowly chuckled. People like them had been on the path of alchemy for decades, but had just begun taking the Alchemy Master exam. If a brat like Nie Li was to pass the exam, wouldn't it be extremely shameful to them?

Nie Li shrugged and casually said, "We'll see by then."

He pushed open a door and walked inside.

Chu Ning sneered. He didn't believe a small brat could practice the way of alchemy to any extent and also entered a room.

After Nie Li entered the room, there were two Primary Alchemy Masters sitting at the front. Both of them were around fifty-sixty years old. Beside them was a table and a chair. On the table sat a stack of books and a sheep's horn pen.

Seeing Nie Li come in, one of the Primary Alchemy Masters was stunned for a moment, puzzled. He asked, "This student, are you in the wrong place? This is the exam room for Alchemy Masters."

"Two honourable Masters, I'm not in the wrong place. I'm here to take the exam for Alchemy Masters," Nie Li politely said. For the examiners, it was best to be more polite towards them.

The two Alchemy Masters looked at each other. They had no idea who's kid this was, for this kid to actually come to take the exam for Alchemy Masters. In a moment, he would know how difficult the Alchemy Master exam was. If he hadn't been on the path of alchemy for at least a few decades, it was impossible to become an Alchemy Master!

"Okay then, there are more than three hundred and sixty pages within this book. You can take a few from the book. On each page, there are all sorts of alchemy questions. You are required to write the answers on the paper. You have to take a total of twenty pages and finish them within two hours. Only if the correct rate is over 90% can you go into the next round," One of the Alchemy Masters instructed.

"Honourable Master, help me pick a few," Nie Li said, looking at that the Alchemy Master. If the papers were picked by the Alchemy Master, then that would eliminate any possibility of him cheating.

That Alchemy Master saw Nie Li's clear eyes, nodded and said, "Okay!" He randomly picked twenty papers from within and place them in front of Nie Li, "You can do these!"

Nie Li took up the horn pen. His gaze swept across the questions on those papers. The corner of his mouth rose. These questions were simply too easy for him. It was like an Alchemy Master doing an Alchemy Apprentice's papers. Nie Li's understanding towards alchemy had long surpassed the realm of Alchemy Masters! He was even worried that these Alchemy Masters would not be able to understand if his answers were too complex, so he deliberately simplified his answers. Some of his answers to the questions were wrong, however, Nie Li could only write it this way because these Alchemy Masters' alchemy knowledge was not to that level yet.

Nie Li's pen was flying. Scribble scribble and he finished answering several questions.

Those two Alchemy Masters originally thought that Nie Li wouldn't be able to answer them, however, they had never thought that Nie Li would be able to answer the questions so fast! After he completed several questions, they thought that Nie Li might just be randomly scribbling and stretched their head to take a look.

"First question is about the sixteen uses of Spirit Core Grass. Oh, the answers are quite good. Not one was missed out!"

"Second question is about the refining process of the Spirit Concentration Pill, the twenty-six steps are very complete!"


The two Alchemy Masters looked at each other. Their first reaction was that Nie Li was cheating! How could a thirteen-fourteen year old teenager be able to understand the process of alchemy so thoroughly? Truth was, just one page was extremely easy. However, this was picked out from tens of thousands of herbs and thousands of elixirs. How much profound knowledge did one need to have to be able to answer these questions so easily?

But these papers were picked out by one of the Alchemy Masters, which nearly eliminated all possibility of Nie Li cheating!

A thirteen-fourteen year old kid, even if he had started reading since he was in the womb, he could not possibly finish reading so many books.

The two Alchemy Masters looked at each other and bitterly smiled. Could it be that, in this world, there was a genius with innate wisdom? Innate wisdom meant that the wisdom and knowledge was extraordinary since birth.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people would need roughly at least a quarter of an hour to finish one paper. To be able to finish ten papers within the allotted time frame was very hard. Lots of people would be stuck by a few difficult questions, however, Nie Li was simply completing them without any pause in between. He answered three papers in a quarter of an hour.

Before an hour had passed, ten papers had already been filled with answers.

After every paper was completed, those two Alchemy Masters would inspect them. To their horror, all ten papers didn't have even one mistake. Some questions were also brilliantly answered. They had surpassed some of the book's records, causing them to be amazed.


A genuine genius!

The two Alchemy Masters were marvelled, their mood was excited. Regarding this matter, they definitely had to report it to the elder group. Nie Li's age was still young but he already had such frightening knowledge. What would become of him in a few years?

Nie Li might even be the person who would let the Alchemist Association develop further! Thinking about it already had them excited. At that time, someone who marked Nie Li's papers would also become well known.

"May I know where this young master is from?" One of the old men said, smiling, "My name is Huyan Ming, he is Mu Yang, we are both Primary Alchemy Masters."

"Honourable teachers, you can just call me by my name. I'm Nie Li, from the Heavenly Marks Family," Nie Li humbly said. There was actually another person with the surname Huyan. Nie Li wondered if he was from the Huyan Family.

Hearing Nie Li's words, Huyan Ming and Mu Yang's eyes happily squinted up. Nie Li's way of addressing them as honourable teachers made the two of them happy. Not bad, not bad. For such a young age, he had such a vast talent but was not arrogant. If Nie Li was really able to get himself a spot in the Alchemist Association, this addressing of honourable teachers would have their status raise by a lot.