Yearly Examination

When news of the acquisition of the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill's formulas was announced, the whole Alchemist Association was in an uproar.

Gu Yan had already verified that those two formulas were correct. The Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill's effects were indeed much better than the Soul Assembling Pill!

These two elixir formulas had been long lost since the Sacred Empire Era. But now, they had finally re-emerged!

Previously, when Director Yang had gone on a large scale acquisition of those garbage herbs, she had made several elders unhappy. However, once they learned what those herbs were for, they immediately shut their mouths. Was this a joke? Among the several herbs that Director Yang had gone to acquire, seven of them were the raw materials for the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill. Just these two elixirs alone would be able to help the Alchemist Association earn big bucks.

At the same time, they were curious. Of all the herbs, only seven were used in those two elixirs, as for the rest, what were they used for? Could it be that President Gu Yan had some other formulas that he hadn't announced yet?

The whole Alchemist Association began operating. Almost all of the alchemists from Intermediate Alchemy Apprentice and above were busy refining these two elixirs.

The commotion within the Alchemist Association was soon spread throughout Glory City.

When the news of the long lost Soul Nurturing Pills and the Soul Concentrating Pills, whose effects were over ten times and hundred times that of the Soul Assembling Pills, came out, Glory City was shaken.

Because the effects of the Soul Assembling Pill was too weak and the pill too pricey, many people were unwilling to purchase them. However, the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill were not the same. The cost of raw materials were far cheaper to obtain than the Soul Assembling Pill's, but the effects were so much better. The Alchemist Association had already announced the price of these two pills. Due to the large amount of these two pills that could be produced, the fixed price for the Soul Nurturing Pill was twice the amount of the Soul Assembling Pill. As for the Soul Concentrating Pill, its fixed price was twenty times the price of the Soul Assembling Pill. However, the effects were ten fold and a hundred fold. This action by the Alchemist Association immediately caused a huge uproar within Glory City.

Everyone was looking forward to the sale of these two elixirs.

Gu Yan's thought on this matter was that even though the price of these two pills could still be raised, if the price was too high, it wouldn't be suitable for large scale promotion. By promoting them at a low price, this could allow the Alchemist Association to earn much more money, and at the same time, it could also enhance the strength of Glory City in deterring the attacks of demon beasts. At the same time, it could also enhance the Alchemist Association's strength.

The moment the Soul Nurturing Pills and Soul Concentrating Pills were released, the originally declining Alchemist Association immediately rose up to the heart of all the ripples. Everyone was fighting for those two elixirs. Their price was even crazily speculated in the Black Market!

Before long, the City Lord Mansion released a secret order to get the Alchemist Association to pay close attention towards the production of these two elixirs. The effects of these two pills in Glory City was too big, even the City Lord placed great importance on them.

Every member of the Alchemist Association worked overtime to refine the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill. Although their workload was a little bit more than usual, their rewards were several or even tens of times more. Among them, there was already no one who would refine a garbage pill like the Soul Assembling Pill. They fully focused on refining the Soul Nurturing Pill and the Soul Concentrating Pill.

Some of the Soul Nurturing Pills and the Soul Concentrating Pills were leaked out of the Alchemist Association. Some Demon Spiritualists managed to get them and had tried them out. The results of the pills were extremely good. Many Demon Spiritualists who had not managed to increase their cultivation for a long time suddenly surged upon taking the two pills. This caused Glory City to be even more excited and filled with anticipation. Many ranked families were prepared to make large scale purchases of the elixirs, and use them to groom the younger generations. These two pills had the potential to create hundreds or even thousands of Demon Spiritualists in the future!

It was said that some people from the Dark Guild were acquiring the Soul Nurturing Pills and the Soul Concentrating Pills in large scale, which made the City Lord issue an emergency order. Those who sold the elixirs to the Dark Guild would be severely punished!

The two elixirs were already enough to have all gazes in Glory City being focused on the Alchemist Association. At this moment, President Gu Yan suddenly released an announcement. They were also refining three other elixirs. One of them was the Soul Tempering Pill, whose effects were ten times that of the Soul Concentrating Pills. Its effects could still be felt by a Black Gold or even a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist. Another one was the Scarlet Body Enhancing Pill, which could greatly strengthen the body, allowing one's physique to improve greatly. Last but not least, the Nine Transformation Pill, which could save lives even when one had sustained fatal injuries.

In that moment, Glory City almost exploded at the news. It was said that the night of the news' release, Legend rank Ye Mo and the City Lord paid a visit to the Alchemist Association late at night to meet Gu Yan, and spent a large amount to purchase huge amounts of pills.

Even Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, Lord Ye Mo and the City Lord were so concerned about the three elixirs, which caused everyone else to be filled with expectation for the three pills.

Soon, the Soul Nurturing Pills and Soul Concentrating Pills began to start selling at the Alchemist Association's shop. The scene was lively beyond imagination. Aside from all those big families, there were still many small families around. All were rushing to buy the pills. In a day, the Alchemist Association made a profit of more than six hundred million demon spirit coins. Just this one day, Nie Li was able to get two hundred million demon spirit coins. Yang Xin personally travelled to the Holy Orchid Institute to pass the money to Nie Li.

The huge figure caused the elders in the Alchemist Association to be deeply shocked. This also caused Gu Yan's position within the Alchemist Association to become more stable. Previously, elder Hu Shuo had colluded with two other elders to rid Gu Yan of his President position. But now, elder Hu Shuo had quieted down, even the two elders who were pulled over by Hu Shuo had gone to Gu Yan's side.

The wealth of the Alchemist Association went up to an astonishing degree. They released a piece of news throughout Glory City. They were massively recruiting disciples to join the Alchemist Association. All fees were taken care of, and once one reached Intermediate Alchemy Apprentice, one could refine pills to earn money. The Alchemist Association's attraction was too huge, and caused many of those who had not managed to enter the Holy Orchid Institute to join the Alchemist Association.

A month or so soon passed.

Everything was calm. Although, occasionally, there would be people from the Dark Guild around, they did not cause any problems. With Lord Ye Mo and the City Lord guarding, unless it was the attacks by the Legend rank demon beasts, Glory City would be able to remain as steady as a mountain.

Nie Li, Du Ze, Lu Piao, and the trio were all within the Holy Orchid Institute, focusing on practicing. Practicing the most powerful cultivation techniques. Inside their interspatial rings, there were unlimited amounts of Soul Tempering Pills and Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills. Every night, they would soak themselves in a Purple Haze Grass bath, causing Nie Li and bunch's cultivation to soar leaps and bounds.

However, outside the institute there was someone who was always trying to harm Nie Li. But, Nie Li and bunch all remained within the Holy Orchid Institute, leaving those people with no way to go after them.

The yearly examination test was nearing.

This test would affect the futures and fates of every student in the Holy Orchid Institute. Since the results of this test would get some of the students into a whole new class, the distance between the students would gradually increase.

After this exam, every student in the Holy Orchid Institute would be able to return home. But even so, they would still be faced with their parent's questions about the results of this test.

Every student within the Holy Orchid Institute was busy preparing to get an outstanding result from the test.

In the Fighter Apprentice Class the main focus was on the bet between Nie Li and Teacher Shen Xiu.

Nie Li and bunch hadn't show their faces in the class for a long time now. No one knew how they would reach 1-star Bronze Fighter in two months. Everyone thought that it was impossible.

"Boss Shen Yue, Nie Li and bunch have been hiding within the library every day. They don't even dare to show their faces now! They probably can't even reach 1-star Bronze rank. Just watch as they get forced to resign from school!" One of Shen Yue's underlings laughed. "Since Boss Shen Yue has taken a few Soul Concentrating Pills, boss should be nearing the 2-star Bronze rank!"

'Is Nie Li really not going to show himself? He really can't reach 1-star Bronze rank?' Shen Yue didn't know how to answer. 'Nie Li is someone who easily defeated 3-star Bronze rank Chu Yuan. Was it simply because Nie Li's control over his soul force was much better than others? This didn't make any sense!'

However, Shen Yue firmly believed that Nie Li had not reached 1-star Bronze rank yet.

Since Nie Li's appearance, Ye Ziyun had even stopped paying any attention to him, causing his hatred for Nie Li to go deep into his bones. However, he had always been wanting to trouble Nie Li, but there hadn't been a chance to do so. Therefore, he was waiting for this year's examination. If Nie Li resigned from school, he would not let Nie Li off easily, he would let Nie Li suffer!

Nie Li's exposure of their ancestor's plagiarism had already caused the wrath of the Sacred Family. The Sacred Family had already been suppressing the Heavenly Marks Family at their fullest. Even if Nie Li didn't resign from school, he would still become a lost dog of his family. Shen Yue could already imagine Nie Li's pitiful outcome!

'Who asked you to offend me, and to also offend my brother?!' Shen Yue secretly thought. Was Nie Li born to go against his family? Snatching his woman and even snatching his brother's woman. One had to know that his brother was the future successor of the Sacred Family!

The entire field and forest of the Holy Orchid Institute was covered with people training, preparing themselves for the coming exam. Many students with backgrounds took quite a few of Soul Nurturing Pills and Soul Concentrating Pills. Their effects were still quite obvious. Some prominent families even managed to get one or two Soul Tempering Pills and Scarlet Body Enhancing Pills.

The effects of these pills were still rather obvious. This batch's students had strength stronger than the previous batch, which made the school's higher ups delighted too.

They were even wondering if this batch's genius class would have anything in the 5-star Silver rank. Maybe a few would be able to enter 5-star Silver rank. If one was to be able to reach 5-star Silver rank before sixteen, his future would definitely be one of the pillars within Glory City. He would become an important controller of Glory City. Generally, by reaching 5-star Silver rank, one's future achievements wouldn't be low.

In the previous batch, nearly half of the students would graduate and leave. The new batch would come in and fill the spots. Everyone was wondering how many people would be qualified to enter into the Genius Class. This made everyone excited with expectation.

Everywhere in the Holy Orchid Institute was festively decorated, preparing for this big moment.