
Nie Li taught the first chapter of the Physique of Heavenly Mark's chant to Nie Yu. After she memorised it, Nie Yu found an empty space and started practising.

As the night continued on, the darkness became more and more concentrated. Once in a while, some shadow quickly leaping across the forest could barely be distinguished.

Nie Li suddenly sensed something in the distance far away. He noticed that there were other shadows moving near the cliff a few kilometres away. He slightly frowned, and waved his right hand. A shadow appeared in the air and flew towards the forest.

He unleashed the Demon Spirit without merging with it. The Demon Spirit was unable to go into battle unless it was merged with the Demon Spiritualist's body, however, the Demon Spiritualist could sense what the Demon Spirit saw and heard which could be very useful sometimes.

The aura of an ordinary Demon Spirit could be easily noticed, however, the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit could conceal its trace. Therefore, it was extremely suitable for spying on enemies and identifying terrains.

The Shadow Devil Demon Spirit soon found several figures far away. Through the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit's eyes, Nie Li could clearly see three people wearing black robes, hiding within the forest.

Nie Li controlled the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit, hiding it behind a tree and confirming the location of these three people.

These people were currently chatting among themselves.

"This is the territory of the Heavenly Marks Family."

"We have to be careful, there are still several Gold rank experts within the Heavenly Marks Family. If we come across them, we'll definitely die!"

"Are you sure that this brat called Nie Li is currently in a broken house under the mountains?"

"Of course, I have already checked it during the day. That brat's parents are not practitioners, therefore, we can kill them without them noticing."

Through the hearing of Shadow Devil Demon Spirit, Nie Li heard their conversation. His brows slightly frowned, 'Are they from the Sacred Family?'

From the looks of it, these three people intended on going after him. However, these three people should only be Silver ranks.

One of the person's voices seemed familiar to Nie Li. He suddenly remembered. One of three was Deacon Yun Hua from the Dark Guild!

After their encounter in the Ancient Orchid City, Nie Li had already memorised this person's voice in his brain. Luckily, those that came were all only Silver rank. The amount of Gold rank experts was only a few in the whole Glory City. Every single one had a special nameplate. Therefore, it was difficult for Gold rank experts of the Dark Guild to infiltrate Glory City. The strongest among them was only that Deacon Yun Hua.

Nie Li slightly frowned and increased the strength of his perception through the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit. Vaguely, Nie Li could feel the strength of these three Silver rank experts. One was a 5-star Silver rank and the other two were 3-star Silver ranks.

"This will be a little bit tough to handle," murmured Nie Li, frowning again. If they were 1-star Silver rank or 2-star Silver rank, Nie Li could easily handle them. As for 3-star Silver rank, Nie Li would be able to find a way to handle them. However, they had a 5-star Silver rank, which would be a little difficult.

If these three managed to get to Nie Li's house, it would be troublesome.

"Xiao Yu, quickly go and notify adults. Tell them that there are several people from the Dark Guild found in the forest!" Nie Li thought for awhile, then said to Nie Yu.

"People from the Dark Guild?" Nie Yu's eyes flashed a trace of fear within them. Even at a young age, she had heard of how terrifying the Dark Guild was. "Then, where are you going? Big brother Nie Li, let's go together!"

"I'll be fine. I won't go and engage them, I'll stay here to keep an eye on them. Quickly go and notify the adults. Within this group of people, there is one who's a 5-star Silver rank. A Gold rank must come over!" Nie Li said. To prevent the attacks of the demon beasts, the territory of the Heavenly Marks Family would have a Gold rank elder patrolling every day. All she needed to do was call the patrolling elder over.

"Xiao Yu, quickly! You cannot delay any further!" Nie Li anxiously urged.

Nie Yu worriedly took a glance at Nie Li, but eventually nodded. Her small figure hastily ran away.

Seeing Nie Yu running far away, Nie Li felt slightly relieved. There were two reasons for making Nie Yu get the adults. One was to get help, another was to send her away. This way, he could focus on dealing with the current situation.

Nie Li carefully hid his figure, slowly approaching where the three men were currently positioned.

Although the opponent's strength was strong, the enemy was revealed and he was hidden. As such, it was not entirely impossible to fight.

Deacon Yun Hua lead the two 3-star Silver rank Fighters and slowly advanced through the woods.

"What's going on?" Yun Hua Deacon suddenly felt something strange. Like something was currently in a corner, spying on them. However, this kind of feeling was very vague, he couldn't find its source.

"What's wrong, milord?" the two 3-star Silver rank Fighter asked, puzzled.

"Did I sense it wrong?" Deacon Yun Hua slightly frowned. He snapped his fingers and a huge black demonic tiger appeared out of the thin air. That chill-filled gaze of his coldly glanced around the woods.

He was a 5-star Demon Spiritualist with a Black Star Tiger Demon Spirit!

'That's even more difficult to deal with!' Nie Li slightly frowned his brows for a moment, hiding within the shadows, holding his breath. The Shadow Devil Demon Spirit also hid behind the trees, not moving.

Nie Li's distance between Deacon Yun Hua was around fifty to sixty meters. That Black Star Tiger Demon Spirit was only a Silver rank, it was impossible for it to detect him from so far away. As for the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit, it was hidden five meters away from Deacon Yun Hua, its body had completely gone into void-form.

The Black Star Tiger Demon Spirit's eyes glowed cyan. It swept around the surroundings, but did not manage to find anything. Deacon Yun Hua felt relieved and said, "Perhaps I'm thinking too much."

Deacon Yun Hua called back the Black Star Tiger Demon Spirit. Unleashing your Demon Spirit meant that its aura could easily be detected by other Demon Spiritualists, therefore, he had to be careful.

"The two of us will wait here. Liu Qing, go and investigate whether there is anyone patrolling at the Heavenly Marks Family and send us a signal." Deacon Yun Hua said softly. Regarding this matter, it was still rather dangerous, therefore, he was unwilling to risk himself.

Liu Qing felt a little depressed, thinking 'Why do I have to go?' However, he didn't dare to refute Deacon Yun Hua. He had no choice but nod his head and head down the mountains.

Deacon Yun Hua and the other person called Liu Yan slowed down their pace.

Seeing Liu Qing separated from Deacon Yun Hua, Nie Li's brows slightly twitched, 'This is a good chance!'

With his current strength, dealing with three people at once was still too difficult. However, dealing with only one 3-star Silver rank Fighter would be much easier. Although Liu Qing's cultivation was higher than Nie Li's by two levels, he was a Fighter and Nie Li was a Demon Spiritualist.

The Demon Spirit that Nie Li was using was the never before seen Shadow Devil Demon Spirit. Ordinary people wouldn't know the specialities of the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit.

Under Nie Li's control, the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit turned into a black light, flew back and quickly merged with Nie Li, causing his body to suddenly change.

Nie Li looked at the not so far away Liu Qing, and a corner of his mouth curled up. With a thought, he concealed his figure and slowly approached Liu Qing.

"What's going on?" After Liu Qing rushed out several hundred meters, he suddenly felt a strange aura. He stood still, suspiciously looking at his surroundings.

Within the silent night, other than the rustling of trees caused by a breeze, there were no other movements.

"I'm probably thinking too much," Liu Qing laughed to himself, and continued to move forward. He slowed his pace, thinking to himself that he could simply do some minor deed to satisfy Deacon Yun Hua, there was no need to be so serious and risk his life.

Nie Li held his breath, quietly approaching Liu Qing. With the hiding ability of the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit, it would be hard for an ordinary person to detect his aura.

Five meters, three meters, two meters...

Liu Qing has no idea that Nie Li was already behind him.

Suddenly, Liu Qing felt a murderous intend locked onto himself, a sense of crisis pierced through his heart. He was surprised, suddenly turned himself around and threw out a kick.

However, this kick did not land on anything. There was no one behind him.

"What exactly is going on?" Liu Qing felt an endless chill in his heart. He had clearly felt a murderous intent, but when he turned back, he did not find anything.

Just when Liu Qing was relieved, a figure suddenly appeared beside him. 'Psh', a cold light flashed in the darkness across Liu Qing's neck.

Liu Qing's neck was cut across, a trace of fresh blood gushed out. His mouth was wide open, yet nothing was said. His eyes slowly dimmed. 'Plop' and his head fell to the ground.

Liu Qing did not understand even in death, what exactly had attacked him. From the start of his cultivation until now, he had experienced hundreds if not thousands of attacks, but he had never experienced this kind of attack before.

However, he no longer had a chance to find out.

After Nie Li's strike succeeded, he went into void-form again, back into hiding.

He lurked around Liu Qing's corpse, preparing for the next ambush.

For his first sneak attack, Nie Li wasn't quite satisfied with it. Before his attack, his murderous intent was actually found out by Liu Qing. Although he eventually succeeded in his attack, for Nie Li, it was still a failure.

A real assassin could kill the enemy without them noticing.

Because Nie Li had just started merging with the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit, his control over the Shadow Devil's ability was not that skilful yet. Having a failure was normal. His first time could already do this. If this was anyone else, they would already be extremely satisfied with the results. However, Nie Li had very strict requirements towards himself, seeking perfection.

Nie Li quietly hid within the shadows, patiently waiting.

A hint of blood filled the air in the forest.

"What's going on?" Deacon Yun Hua's brows slightly frowned. He keenly felt that something was not right. He leaped forward and Liu Yan followed behind.

After leaping a few meters forward, they saw the corpse of Liu Qing on the ground.

"There's someone here!" Deacon Yun Hua gasped and immediately went alert. 'The opponent killed a 3-star Silver rank Fighter not far from us without any noise. Could it be that the opponent is a Gold rank?'

Liu Yan was terrified when he saw this scene, 'Liu Qing just ran out a few meters away from us, and he was killed without a sound. How did the opponent do it?'

They slowly retreated, back to back, alertly inspecting the surrounding woods.

In the dark night, only the sounds of birds chirping could be heard in the quiet forest. They couldn't find anyone in the forest. However, they had the terrifying feeling of being stared at, causing the fine hair on their bodies to stand up.

Seeing no action from Deacon Yun Hua and Liu Yan, Nie Li didn't make any movements, and was quietly waiting.

Furthermore, dragging the time was favourable to him. Before long, Nie Yu would be able to call an elder from the family over.

Time was running.

After he noticed something was not right, Deacon Yun Hua frowned his brows and said, "Let's leave!"

He was a cautious man. Since he had encountered an unexpected setback, he would go back first. There was no need to take the risk.

Liu Yan also couldn't wait to leave this place, and immediately nodded his head.

Deacon Yun Hua leaped, ready to leave. Liu Yan beside him was also preparing to follow him.

"You want to leave? That will not be so easy!"

A chilling light flashed across Nie Li's eyes as he reappeared. He lifted his bone sickle and slashed towards Liu Yan.

After entering void-form, Nie Li had been lurking beside Liu Yan for a long time. His distance from Liu Yan was only around five to six meters. He suddenly sped up.

Just when Nie Li appeared, Liu Yan's and Deacon Yun Hua's pupils tightened.


There was someone that was actually lurking so close to them and they had not realised a thing after so long!

"Kill!" Nie Li's eyes slightly narrowed, releasing a chilling murderous intent, and slashed towards Liu Yan at lightning speed.

Liu Yan snapped, his body emitted a light. On this body, there were two arm guards. He raised the arm guards up to block Nie Li's attack. And at the same time, sending a kick towards Nie Li.

As a Silver rank Fighter, Liu Yan had gone through hundreds of battles, and had plenty combat experience. Under this close call situation, his reaction was quite fast.

Pity that the one attacking him wasn't an ordinary person, but Nie Li who was merged with the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit!

Nie Li faced Liu Yan and suddenly straightened his arms. The barb on the sickle instantly moved to the back of Liu Yan's head. With a gentle hook, "Pssh", the barb penetrated the back of Liu Yan's head.

Liu Yan's eyes dimmed. Even in death, he still didn't understand. Why did this guy in front of him have such long arms? He was actually able to get around to the back of his neck and attack.

In just one moment, Nie Li had killed another one.

Based on strength alone, Liu Yan was a little bit stronger than Nie Li. However, Nie Li did not confront Liu Yan face to face. Instead, he had launched a pair of sudden attacks. At the same time, these attacks were unexpected for Liu Yan. In such a short time, there was no way Liu Yan could have reacted, therefore, allowing Nie Li's sneak attack to succeed, becoming a one hit kill!