
Seeing Nie Li leaving with Yang Xin, Nie Wei, Nie En, and bunch all had different expressions. They all knew that from this moment onwards, Nie Li's position in the Heavenly Marks Family would no longer be the same.

As for Nie Xiaofeng and Nie Xiaori, they looked at each other, dumbfounded. They knew that from today onwards, they'd have to live with their tails between their legs.

--- Inside the House prepared for Yang Xin ---

Yang Xin removed her outer coat revealing a tight fitting silk clothing underneath. Lazily, she stretched her waist, completely showing that beautiful, curvy figure of hers. She didn't mind the presence of Nie Li while she was unguarded. After all, Nie Li was only a thirteen year old kid.

What she didn't know was that underneath that thirteen year old shell of Nie Li's, hid a matured heart. Nie Li looked at Yang Xin and had to say, at this particular moment, she was extremely sexy. The thin silk cloth caused her white skin to be roughly seen underneath. The cloth on her chest could not completely cover her huge plump peaks. A deep ravine could be seen.

However, Nie Li only looked with appreciation, he did not focus on any sexual ideas.

"Was the target of those people from the Dark Guild you?" Yang Xin slightly bend down, looking at Nie Li and asked.

The moment Nie Li raised his head, he saw the large amount of exposed skin on Yang Xin's chest. These perfectly round shapes could not be held with one hand. A unique womanly aroma drifted towards him, leaving Nie Li a little awkward.

"Yes!" Nie Li said, slightly nodding.

Yang Xin seemed to not have noticed Nie Li's gaze. She wrinkled her brows and said, "Since you've been eyed by the Dark Guild, the Heavenly Marks Family is no longer safe for you. Why don't you move to the Alchemist Association?"

Yang Xin didn't know why Nie Li was eyed by the Dark Guild. Could it be that the news of him giving the Alchemist Association the elixir formulas had been leaked out? However, those who knew of this matter were only her and the president, no other person knew of this.

Nie Li shook his head and said, "There is another reason to this matter. Do you really think that, if they knew that the elixir formulas were given to you by me, they would only send three Silver ranks to kill me? They would be more inclined to kidnap me."

Hearing Nie Li's words, Yang Xin nodded her head. That would indeed be the case. Nie Li's in-depth knowledge didn't make him seem like a thirteen year old kid. Thinking of that extraordinary and terrifying talent, Yang Xin felt relieved. After all, strange things seemed to happen around Nie Li.

"Do you have any grudges with them?" Yang Xin stretched her waist again, then sat on the chair and asked. If it were just ordinary grudges then she wouldn't need to worry too much. Under normal circumstances, the Dark Guild wouldn't risk sending Gold rank experts into Glory City. If it was just Silver rank experts sent to find Nie Li, one or two Gold rank Demon Spiritualists would ensure Nie Li's safety.

"I don't have any grudges with the Dark Guild." Nie Li shook his head. During the incident in the Ancient Orchid City, Nie Li had not seen Deacon Yun Hua's face. Deacon Yun Hua probably didn't recognise Nie Li. Therefore Deacon Yun Hua had no need to take such a big risk to come over to the Heavenly Marks Family to kill Nie Li. There was only one possibility. This attack was caused by the Sacred Family. Nie Li said, "If there is anyone that I've offended, that would be the Sacred Family. The Sacred Family would be the only ones that have the motive to do this!"

Hearing Nie Li's words, a hint of a cold light flashed across Yang Xin's beautiful eyes. If that was the case, wouldn't that mean that the Sacred Family had colluded with the Dark Guild? The Dark Guild was the enemy of Glory City, therefore, colluding with the Dark Guild was an absolutely intolerable offense.

"I'll have someone investigate this. If the Sacred Family is really colluding with the Dark Guild, then the City Lord will definitely not let them off easy!" Yang Xin said with a resolute and decisive look. Her words carried a hint of a chill within them. Betraying Glory City was absolutely unforgivable.

"This time one of them escaped. The other Dark Guild assassins addressed him as Deacon Yun Hua. I'll draw a portrait of him for you," Nie Li said, taking a piece of paper from the book shelf. After a few strokes, a person's image appeared. It was exactly what Deacon Yun Hua looked like.

'Even his portraying skills are so skilled. Just how monstrous is this teenager?' Yang Xin was secretly shocked in her heart. The skill to make this kind of portrait, without several years of practice, was impossible to achieve!

A drawing could put the mind in peace, thus it had a large benefit towards cultivation. Nie Li had spent several decades in his past life on drawing. His skills were already at a peak level.

"Done!" Nie Li passed that completed portrait over to Yang Xin.

"En," Yang Xin took the drawing, and lowered her head and looked at it. She couldn't help but be surprised at how seasoned Nie Li was in his brush strokes. She was filled with curiosity about any other secrets that were within Nie Li, wondering what else she was unaware of about this teenager.

When Yang Xin lowered her head, through her silk clothing, two semi-ball shaped bulges could be seen. Seeing that, Nie Li couldn't help blushing. One had to admit that Yang Xin's figure was really seductive. If it was any other man looking, they would be afraid that they wouldn't be able to maintain their self-control.

As someone who had experienced two lives, Nie Li's determination was very frightening.

When Yang Xin raised her head, she saw Nie Li's face that seemed to be getting slightly hot. She suddenly thought of something and couldn't help finding it funny in her heart. Nie Li's intelligence was extraordinary. Could it be that his knowledge towards these matters was also precocious compared to others his? Did this overly mature child already have knowledge about adult things?

There had always been a rumour outside saying that Yang Xin was very flirtatious and depended on her beauty to get to her position. However the truth was not so simple. Although she liked to wear sexy clothing, she was still single and no one had ever had the chance of becoming a guest of her curtains. That was because there was no one that she could look up to. Because her status was very high, the majority of the guys that tried to get on her good side all had ulterior motives. Hence, Yang Xin would rather relieve herself late at night, alone, than to let those pigs have her perfect body for themselves.

The truth was that Yang Xin was an extremely seductive woman. Although Nie Li had seen how enchanting she was, she did not mind. In her view, Nie Li was only a half grown child. He was a little premature, so what was the harm? Teasing Nie Li was a kind of excitement in this situation.

"Little brother, do you want to touch?" Yang Xin smiled and teasingly said., looking at Nei Li. Hearing Yang Xin's words, Nie Li was slightly stunned. He was a little embarrassed and withdrew his gaze. Yang Xin, was a little too daring. She actually said these kinds of words to Nie Li. That seductive look of hers, pairing up with such ambiguous words, a normal man would have a hard time controlling himself.

Although he was only thirteen years old, within that tender shell of his, hid an old soul. He bitterly smiled and said, "Big sister, don't play this kind of joke with me."

"Big sister isn't playing a joke on you. Just touching won't make me lose any pieces of flesh. If it's our little genius, big sister wouldn't mind at all," Yang Xin pulled Nie Li's hands and placed it on her chest. She found it a little funny. Such a small child had such thoughts about her. She smiled and said, "Little brother Nie Li, how does it feel?"

Nie Li's right hand touched that amazing mound of plump and soft flesh, and that slightly raised point. He was secretly shocked, thinking that this woman had really good development. Seeing Yang Xin's playful expression, Nie Li realised that Yang Xin was purposely teasing him. This woman really thought of him as a thirteen year old child.

Seeing Yang Xin's looks, Nie Li's brow slightly twitched. Looking down on him was an absolute mistake. In his previous life Ye Ziyun was Nie Li's most beloved, but within the several hundred years that he had lived, Nie Li had had some interactions with a few other women.

It was obvious that Yang Xin's actions were meant to tease him! Nie Li pinched Yang Xin's rich plumpness, feeling that shocking softness, and let the shape change in his hand. He then seriously said, "Big sister Yang Xin, you should try grinding Purple Haze Grass and Tiger Gaze Grass together and then consume them. That can make them more perky."

Yang Xin was dumbfounded. She had never thought that Nie Li would not have a bit of embarrassment or shyness, and would give it a pinch. After hearing Nie Li's words, Yang Xin's face blushed deep red. She had never had any contact with guys before. The only reason she had let Nie Li touch her chest was because she treated Nie Li like a thirteen year old kid, and had completely dropped her guard against him.

In that moment, Yang Xin totally forgot Nie Li's age, and treated him as a man that was similar to her age.

However, once she saw Nie Li's serious expression and heard his tender voice again, Yang Xin suddenly felt that Nie Li was just a kid.

This kind of strange feeling caused her to look absent-minded.

Seeing Yang Xin dazed expression, Nie Li mischievously and firmly pinched on the little bump before withdrawing his hand.

"Ah!" Yang Xin couldn't help but to let out a blissful moan. When Nie Li pinched her, her whole body felt as though it had an electric current going through it, causing her to quiver.

Yang Xin suddenly realised that she had a messed up appearance. Her face was flushed red, as though she was drunk. She hurriedly stood up to hide the reaction from that strange feeling in her body. Her voice slightly trembled as she said, "Little brother, you can go back to rest first. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Okay. Big sister Yang Xin, sleep well," Nie Li said childishly, revealing a child-like innocent smile, and walking out of Yang Xin's room. This woman had actually treated him like a thirteen year old boy and teased him. This resulted in her getting herself teased instead. Yet, Nie Li had to admit that the feeling that lingered on his hand was not bad.

As she watched Nie Li leave, Yang Xin was trapped in a daze for a long time. Her mentality was about to go haywire.

"Is that kid really only thirteen years old?" Yang Xin crazily scratched her head. Wondering if Nie Li purposely did that or not.

Her chest had a faint hint of pain. However why was it that in her heart, there was a sense of excitement and stimulation. This kind of feeling made Yang Xin feel as though her heart was being scratched by a cat.

After a long time, Yang Xin let out a long sigh and stopped tangling herself with that question.

"Let's have a bath first!"

The silk white cloth fell down slowly as she walked to the bathtub. Her crystal feet slowly stepped into the wooden tub. Her flawless figure was completely submerged in the hot water. Her hands unconsciously touched her perky chest. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared within her mind. It was Nie Li.

"What am I thinking?! He's far too young! I'm more than a decade older than him!" Yang Xin shook her head, trying to expel all the distracting thoughts away. However, Nie Li's figure would uncontrollably appear. The spots that was touched by Nie Li had a little warmth left by him.

Yang Xin uncontrollably, as usual, moved her right hand slowly down between her legs.

"Oh!" A long moan, in an extremely seductive voice, sounded. Yang Xin laid in the tub for such a long period, the skin on her body became slightly red.