God Level Growth Rate

Nie Li took out the Nightmare Demon Pot. This black jade pot had a light luster on it that was emitting a mysterious aura.

This item was an ancient treasure. He had never thought that it would actually appear in the auction house. This was why Nie Li couldn't be bothered about anything and had to buy it. If Nie Li had missed this Nightmare Demon Pot, he would've definitely died with regret.

Nie Li's right hand stroked the Nightmare Demon Pot, injecting a little soul force into the pot.

The Nightmare Demon Pot shined, forming some sort of connection between it and Nie Li. Regarding the usage of this Nightmare Demon Pot, Nie Li only knew a little bit, he still had to study it further.

One of the Nightmare Demon Pot's uses was that, by putting in ten demon spirits with the same attribute into the Nightmare Demon Pot to refine, there was a chance that it would refine a stronger demon spirit. Of course, there was always a chance of failure.

Nie Li had bought so many demon spirits so that he could refine a stronger demon spirit.

"I already have an assassin-type demon spirit. What I need the most is a demon spirit that can face an enemy head on." Nie Li thought awhile. He had bought a total of over two thousand Fighter-type demon spirits. Only two thousand Fighter-type demon spirits. He began to wonder if he could get a stronger Fighter-type demon spirit out of them.

Every demon spirit was differentiated by the strength of its soul, which were categorised as Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold, Legend and so on. This was the categorisation made by Glory City. What ordinary people don't know was that every demon spirit was different in terms of their growth rate, even for low-grade demons. If they had a powerful growth rate, it was not impossible for them to grow powerful to the point of being able to kill a Legend rank demon spirit.

At the same time, the growth rate of some demon spirits were naturally much stronger than ordinary demon spirits. For example, Nie Li's Shadow Devil Demon Spirit.

Nie Li differentiated the growth rates into six levels, which were: Poor, Ordinary, Good, Excellent, Extraordinary and God levels. The Shadow Devil Demon Spirit was, without a doubt, a demon spirit with a God level growth rate which also meant that the growth of the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit was not limited.

Ordinary people didn't even know how to differentiate a demon spirit's growth rate, but Nie Li did know how to do it. Just like humans, the growth rate of the demon spirit could be differentiated by the use of soul crystals. Except the method of telling the differences was a little different.

As for this second integrated demon spirit, it would have a deep impact. Therefore, Nie Li had to carefully choose his second one. Even if he couldn't get a God level growth rate demon spirit, he had to get one with at least an Extraordinary level growth rate. Otherwise, buying the Nightmare Demon Pot at such a high price would have been a waste.

Nie Li took out ten pieces of demon spirit stone, and used a soul crystal to test the level of these ten demon spirits.

"Shattered soul cloud, poor level demon spirit!"

"Shattered soul cloud, poor level demon spirit!"

"Shattered soul cloud, poor level demon spirit!"

"Broken soul cloud, ordinary level demon spirit!"


Nie Li very quickly conducted the tests for the ten demon spirits. Seven poor levels and three ordinary levels, Nie Li couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

'Sure enough, it's quite difficult to pick out some high level growth rates between these ordinary demon spirits!' Nie Li thought to himself, a little disappointed. Wanting to find another demon spirit with a growth rate of God level like the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit was too difficult. Otherwise, Nie Li wouldn't have taken such a big risk to go to the Ancient Orchid Ruins.

These garbage demon spirits, in the hands of others, would be treated as treasures.

Nie Li threw the ten demon spirit stones into the Nightmare Demon Pot, and operated the Nightmare Demon Pot with his soul force.

In just a moment, the Nightmare Demon Pot began lighting up, releasing a dazzling light. A flow of light began moving around inside. Nie Li could see that while the ten lights were rotating nonstop, they were gradually merging together, forming into a thick mist.

After around roughly ten minutes, the light from the Nightmare Demon Pot gradually dispersed. A demon spirit was like a spirit. It was moving around at the bottom of the pot.

Nie Li caught the demon spirit, then sealed it in a normal demon spirit stone. He then went ahead and checked the demon spirit's growth rate.

"Slightly completed soul cloud, with a Good level growth rate! This Nightmare Demon Pot is indeed extraordinary! However, a Good level growth rate demon spirit is still far from enough," Nie Li shook his head. He definitely wouldn't put a Good level growth rate demon spirit in his eyes.

Nie Li placed the Good level growth rate demon spirit aside, then took another ten demon spirit stones and began checking.

Ten Fighter-type demon spirits, the best one would be that bull demon spirit. It had a Good level growth rate.

Nie Li once again mixed them up in the Nightmare Demon Pot.

Refinement success!

Refinement success!

Refinement failure!


The probability of failure was rather small, probably once every ten times. However, after refining sixty times, the best one that he had gotten out of it was only an Excellent level growth rate Fighter-type demon spirit. The rest were all Good level growth rate demon spirits.

"Not enough!" Nie Li shook his head. The difficulty in rising demon spirit's growth rate was rather high.

However, he still had so many demon spirits, Nie Li would not give up refining. Among the two thousand demon spirits, there were around sixty that didn't require refining and were already Excellent level growth rate demon spirits and two hundred that were Good level growth rate. That wasn't bad. These demon spirits had strong growth rates by themselves.

For the next two days, Nie Li refined nonstop. One after another, he turned those Poor and Ordinary level growth rate demon spirits into Good level growth rate demon spirits. Then used the Good level growth rate demon spirits and refined them into Excellent level growth rate. Finally, left with over ninety Excellent level growth rate demon spirits, he merged them into Extraordinary level demon spirits.

The higher the level of merging, the higher the chances of failure were. In the end, only five Extraordinary demon spirits had successfully been refined.

Looking at the five Extraordinary level growth rate demon spirits, Nie Li still wasn't satisfied. If he had ten Extraordinary level growth rate demon spirits, he could have at least one chance of refining them into a God level growth rate demon spirit, even though the chance of failure was very high. When refining for Extraordinary level growth rate demon spirits, the chances of success were only half. If he refined for a God level growth demon spirit, it would already be extremely good if there was a one out of five chance of success.

The Alchemist Association sent over Nie Li's share of the profit for the recent elixir sales, roughly a billion demon spirit coins.

After thinking about it, Nie Li went to meet Nie Hai and Nie En. He let Nie Hai and Nie En help him acquire a large amount of Fighter-type demon spirits. As many as possible. For every Fighter-type demon spirit acquired, he would give them a little reward.

Nie Li's reward was rather generous, therefore they would definitely do their best. Hastily, Nie Hai and Nie En went to several merchant halls to acquire as many Fighter-type demon spirits as they could. After spending a few hundred millions, Nie Li got a total of tens of thousands of Fighter-type demon spirits and continued to use the Nightmare Demon Pot.

With the number of refinements increasing, Nie Li realised that the Nightmare Demon Pot was also changing. The originally cloudy demon pot had become clearer. He could even see the process of the demons merging within.

Nie Li could feel that the Nightmare Demon Pot was absorbing a small portion of the power from the refined demon spirits. As time went on, the Nightmare Demon Pot became stronger.