Soul Weapon Katar

Nie Li's gaze fell onto one of the treasures.

This treasure was a pair of katars. They were a little worn out, their lights were a little dim. They were covered in dust. These katars even had marks of rust on them.

'Katars? I never thought that I would find a soul weapon here, just my luck! I have to thank the predecessors of the Heavenly Marks Family for this!' Nie Li thought in his heart, taking the pair of katars down from the hooks.

Nie Hai looked at the pair of worn out katars in Nie Li's hands. He was dazed for a moment and asked "You want these things?"

"Yeah!" Nie Li nodded.

Nie Hai had been wanting to take care of these katars for a long time, however, due to their worn out state, he couldn't tell the power of this item. Therefore, no one would buy them and he left them alone. Since the treasury of the family had been almost emptied, they could at least fill a slot.

In Nie Hai's view, there were still one or two items that were quite valuable within the treasury, so why would Nie Li choose this pair of katars?

Nie Li placed the katars into his interspatial ring and continued looking around in the family treasury. Although there were still a couple of things that were not bad, Nie Li did not take them. They would not help Nie Li raise his strength. The fact that he was able to get that pair of katars was already worth the trip here. His gaze fell onto the last two items.

One of them was a blueprint. It had all kinds of inscription patterns written on it. It seemed like the drawing of a certain item.

Nie Li continued staring at that paper. At this moment, Nie Hai explained, "I have no idea what kind of blueprint this is. There isn't one person within the Heavenly Marks Family that has created this before. This drawing seems to be in the shape of a bird."

After staring at the blueprint for a while longer, Nie Li recalled. This was the masterpiece of the Dark Refinery Master, it was called Soul Puppet. This was a bird-form Soul Puppet. At the early times of the Sacred Empire, there had been some Dark Demon Spiritualists. They were a bunch of mysterious existences and would often commit extremely evil acts, like making Soul Puppets. After making a Soul Puppet, they would seal a deceased expert's soul inside and then use inscription patterns to control the Soul Puppet, making the puppet work for them. After the founding of the Sacred Empire, the Dark Demon Spiritualists were wiped out on a large scale. Things like the blueprint of a Soul Puppet, had long been destroyed.

Although these things had flourished for a period of time, after the founding of the Sacred Empire, these items were considered very rare. During the Age of Darkness, the blueprints of Soul Puppets were even rarer. They had generally been forgotten in history by people.

Nie Li never would have thought that he would find a Soul Puppet blueprint here. One had to know that if these had been found during the Sacred Empire Era, the whole family would be wiped out.

"I'll also take this!" Nie Li placed the blueprint into his interspatial ring. He was not preparing to use this to seal an expert's soul into a soul puppet. After all, this kind of thing was too evil. But Nie Li still wanted to study this Soul Puppet Art.

Nie Hai didn't have any objections in Nie Li taking the blueprint. After all, Nie Li had given the Heavenly Marks Family so many elixirs and demon spirit coins. They had already benefitted a lot from him. He still wished for Nie Li to pick a few more things.

'Let's study the blueprint sometime in the future.' Nie Li thought to himself and continued to the next item. It was a round-shaped pearl. This pearl was black in colour, sparkling and shining with a black lustre. Just taking a look would give a people of an entranced feeling.

This pearl was definitely not simple, even Nie Li didn't know of its origin.

"I'll also take this!" Nie Li said.

"Others are fine, but this pearl..." Nie Hai hesitated.

"What? Is there a problem?" Nie Li asked, slightly frowning as he looked at Nie Hai.

"It's not because of how much this pearl is worth. This pearl was left behind by the first generation Patriarch. Therefore, it has great meaning for the next generation, hence, we have to be sure to keep it." Nie Hai said.

"I'm also part of Heavenly Marks Family's next generation. So there shouldn't be any problem for me to take it! I will be sure to keep it safe. This is two hundred million demon spirit coins, Patriarch can use it to buy back some of the treasure. Otherwise, the treasury of the family will be too empty!" Nie Li said as his right hand moved. He took out an interspatial ring and passed it over to Nie Hai.

As for this move of Nie Li's, Nie Hai really didn't have any means of resistance against it. Nie Hai thought for a moment, looked at the interspatial ring and looked at that unknown pearl again. He bitterly smiled and said, "Okay then."

This silver bullet attack from Nie Li was too frightening!

"Okay!" Nie Li lightly smiled. This trip was well worth it. He didn't know what that pearl was, but it was definitely not something simple. And that Soul Puppet blueprint was also not bad. Furthermore, that Soul Weapon wasn't something that could be bought with money.

Soul Weapons were extremely useful if matched with a demon spirit. Since the Shadow Devil Demon Spirit already had its sharp claws, it didn't need katars. However, these katars would be very suitable for the Fanged Panda.

"Patriarch Nie Hai, I'll return first!" Nie Li looked at Nie Hai and said.

"Okay!" Nie Hai sent Nie Li out. Right now, Nie Li was the richest within the family. Casually taking some money out would already be enough for the family to raise its strength. Because of Nie Li, the whole Heavenly Marks Family had changed. So why wouldn't he treat Nie Li like a god?

If any other family had a younger generation member like Nie Li, their Patriarch would probably even smile in their sleep.

Returning to his mansion, Nie Li took out the pair of Katar Soul Weapons. Towards this pair of katars that seemed like worthless metal, Nie Li let out a low snort, and operated his soul realm. Waves of soul force rushed out of the soul realm towards the pair of katars. Using soul force, Nie Li constantly smelt the pair of katars.

The rust stains on the Soul Weapon Katars slowly dissolved. Gradually, the katars began to emit a dazzling lustre. Finally, the katars had some resonance with Nie Li. The katars trembled nonstop and then floated into the air. "Boom" they burst.

The pair of katars turned into light and entered Nie Li's soul realm.

The power of a soul weapon had deep connections with the user's soul force. Generally, they would be a level stronger than the soul force. Which meant, since Nie Li's soul force was at the Silver rank, the strength of these katars would be at Gold rank. Even Gold rank experts could be wounded by them if they were careless.

As Nie Li's strength rose, the soul weapon would follow and get stronger.

'Soul Weapons are the masterpieces of the Thunder Demon Spiritualists from the late Snow Wind Era. Only they could create Soul Weapons, however, only a small amount of Thunder Demon Spiritualists were able to get their hands on the creation method for Soul Weapons. Only small amounts of Thunder Demon Spiritualist families had them. Everyone can only have one soul weapon in their entire lives. Once the human dies, the weapon will follow. Therefore, the amount of soul weapons left over from that era are only few in number. Those ignorant guys actually treated the Soul Weapon as a normal weapon. They were simply wasting resources recklessly! Luckily this was discovered by me, otherwise, there's no knowing how long it would have lost its lustre!' Nie Li lightly smiled as he thought to himself.