You Are My Perfect Match

"I've already made him a joke in front of everyone in our social circle, Mr. Yun. If you still want him as your son-in-law for some reason, I will have to think that you are desperate. Why are you desperate, Mr. Yun?"

The sting on her cheeks surprised her. Her head turned to the side with the impact and she remained there, stunned.

The weight of his hand and the sting had brought tears to her eyes. She blinked them back and turned to him with a cold look.

"Expect a retaliation," she forewarned.

Yun Sui Bo chuckled, unamused. "There is no CCTV here, Yun Qian Meng. I know how much you love playing by the book, so I don't care." He waited for her words. "Now, go back and take that damned ring from him. Understood?"

She remained stubborn. She snatched the cellphone from him and brushed past him. Her cheek burned and she was scared to look at the mirror.