Stand Around Like Senseless Prey

"You do?" His brow furrowed.

She nodded at his confusion. "I'm sorry for taking out my frustration on you. It's not every day I get slapped by my sperm donor or humiliated in front of all my acquaintances." She sniffed.

Mo Qingchen stiffened. "Yun Sui Bo hit you?" His eyes flickered to her face and he could see it was slightly swollen.

The lust he was restraining vanished, replaced by rumbling rage.

Her rain-soaked body quickly felt the full effect of the cool evening breeze once his warmth was gone. Since he was no longer keeping her warm, she started to shiver. Mo Qingchen noticed and pulled out his phone, calling his driver.

Within minutes, they were sitting in his warm and dry car. Mo Qingchen looked so distracted sitting there, dripping water on the plush leather seats. She wanted to know what he was thinking. What had possessed him to stop her in the hallway? What had possessed him to follow her in a frenzy?