Don't be Stupid While Taking Revenge

Mo Yize grimaced. "Don't you feel anything for him?"

Now, Qian Meng felt amused. "No, I have no feelings for inconsequential manwhores." Then she paused. "Do you want revenge, though?"

The idea came to her all of a sudden and laid out in her mind completely.

"You just said…" the other trailed off. "You're a psycho. Are you planning on killing him and then putting all the blame on me?"

Qian Meng blinked innocently. "There won't be any killing involved, unfortunately. But I can help you take out your anger. Lord knows I want to strangle a lot of people."

Her eyes twinkled with excitement.

"What do you want to do?" Mo Yize asked cautiously.

"For that, we will need to make a quick shopping trip." Qian Meng looked her over. "And you need to go wash your face. I don't want to be seen around a woman who looks like she escaped an asylum."

Mo Yize grunted and scampered off to the bathroom without the need for direction.