Rolling in the Sheets With Her

"Sounds like an inconvenience," she frowned. Having a big wedding wasn't a deal-breaker, but she just didn't like the stress and drama that came with planning a wedding. "It's more opportunity for people to speak. I don't have the time to plan a wedding, either."

"I imagine if we add up every person we know and would have to invite, we'd have a huge list of guests. We should make peace with my mother and make it legal at the Civil Bureau Office. What say you?" Mo Qingchen made a good point.

The first rule to remaining rich was to earn like the rich but spend as little as humanly possible.

"You have my seal of approval. We'll have a short engagement. Let's get this over with, shall we?" she smiled sweetly.

"People need to believe we are in love," Mo Qingchen said suddenly. "At least that is what my family needs to believe. So…"