Tending to Her Mortal Enemy

"Yes, of course." She led the way.

Once they reached the door, Qian Meng knocked.

And knocked and knocked. Mo Qingchen didn't even make a sound.

Where the hell was he? Xiong Hua seemed concerned as well.

She contacted the security guard, who informed them that Mo Qingchen hadn't left the house nor had he gone out for his morning run, which was apparently highly unusual for him.

Qian Meng kept knocking on his door and listening for any sounds from inside the room.

The guard finally arrived and Qian Meng recognized him as the man from last night who had stopped her. "Do you have a key to open the room?" The guard nodded, looking apprehensive.

"If he's hurt, it's your responsibility to protect him. So, open the door." Qian Meng was impatient. Her glib tongue got her out of all sorts of situations.