A Matter of Principle

Li Jun sighed and made a show of frustration. "Someone sued my client, Yun Qian Meng, for attempted murder," he admitted. 

There was silence on the other side. 

"I have heard about the raucous in the media. It had rolled that far? I saw the video, the owner wasn't near the car at the time… neither was anyone else. And you're telling me that someone from my firm took this case and sued the CEO of Venus?"

This was the reaction Li Jun wanted. This Senior was an executive partner and had equity in the company. If Li Jun got the message across that someone was playing the wrong cards under the company's nose, he would get an easy withdrawal of FIR in no time. 

Company pressure was a huge thing. 

"It's someone called Jiang Hanyu. He seems to be an assistant lawyer in your firm."

"Are you sure?" the other asked after a pause.