Show Her What Hell Felt Like

"Ye Qing, what are you going to do now?" Chen Yue asked. Her hand was on her son's shoulder.

"Call Jiang Hanyu and Yun Qian Meng. I want an explanation," he said, anger flashing through his features.

"Didn't you see how your father reacted?" Chen Yue said, a note of mania in her voice. "If you talk to her, he'll go harder on you."

Bai Ye Qing scoffed. "My father has never scolded or beaten me. Suddenly he meets Yun Qian Meng and he turns against me." He shook his head in disbelief. "I knew dad was business-minded, but he wants me gone to save himself."

"Ye Qing, don't blame your father too much. He's getting old and he wants to protect everything…" she trailed off. 

Bai Ye Qing gaped. "You just screamed at father for the opposite. Mom, please don't be the mediator," he said.

Chen Yue's eyes reddened.