Don't Pay the Miserable Beggar Attention

The green light came on and Qian Meng was off again.

"You're not going to pick up the call?" Mo Qingchen asked after a few minutes. 

"I can't see any reason why he would call me apart from scream at me," she chuckled.

"Well, if he keeps calling you, you won't get to pick up any other calls. Your phone will show that you are busy," he countered. 

"Well, I only want Li Min or Li Jun's phones to come through. Put it on," she said with finality. 

Mo Qingchen chuckled and within another second, the call came in. He picked it up and immediately, he heard Bai Ye Qing speak. 

"You've finally picked up, bitch?" the other said. His voice held malice. There was no other word to describe the hatred in his voice. Qian Meng straightened in her seat, suddenly a flash from her memory coming back to her. 

'What the hell?' she thought uncomfortably.