Snoring and Drooling in His Arms

"I shouldn't—" he stopped her before she could finish the sentence.

"Don't need to be courteous with me. Sit." This time, his voice was gentler. He scooted to the other side and rolled the covers back to make space for her. Once she was seated, he huffed. 

His book snapped closed and the glasses came off. He put them beside his pillow and turned his torso towards her. With the press of his palms against her shoulder, he pushed her back into the bed. 

Her feet followed on instinct and she didn't act reluctant any longer. 

Mo Qingchen bit back the smile as he covered her and tucked her in.

"You aren't going to ask me what is keeping me awake?" she whispered, worried she would disturb him. 

"You plan on telling me either way," he deliberated. 

She smacked her lips together before responding. "Mr. Bai is willing to sell the company to me," she announced.