No One Flirts With Mo Qingchen's Woman

Qian Meng's eyes opened a few seconds before her alarm would start blaring. She stared at the ceiling and sighed. Something was amiss in her body but she couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Up?" Mo Qingchen hummed when he felt the changes in her body. She stiffly turned her head towards him and found him leaning against the head post, scrolling through his notepad.

"What are you doing this early in the morning?" He hadn't slept, that much was evident to Qian Meng. She smacked her lips in dissatisfaction and was about to pick herself up into a sitting position when she felt the pain permeating through her body. She grunted, making Mo Qingchen look at her. 

"Sore?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with delight. 

"Are you enjoying this?" she responded quietly. 

"No. Not enjoying it. Just contemplating if I should say 'I told you so,' at this point. I don't think it would be well received, though," he chuckled. Qian Meng glared at him openly.