Suddenly Became an Obedient Woman

"If you want your son to not go down this path, I request you to publicize that your will is going to be enforced by the lawyer. If you die mysteriously, no one will get your money." She gave him a pointed look. 

Bai Yu stared at Qian Meng. "You are thorough. I'll think about it," he said quietly. Qian Meng knew in that moment that Bai Yu would never do anything of the sort.

She had to frown. "Did you bring the signed copy?" she asked after a moment of silence.

"I did." They went through the contract to make sure all the processes were done.

"I'll have my lawyer contact yours. This should go through in no time. Please keep me in the loop with the processes and meeting alerts." That was all Qian Meng asked. 

And therein ended the conversation.

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The first lesson was scheduled for the next evening.