Taking the Towel Off *

[Warning: Lots of wild snu snu in this chapter. Please skip if it's not your cup of tea!]

"Will there be marks?" she asked with concern. She had clothes that could reveal a lot of those marks. She would have to think about her wardrobe choices in the future. 

"All over your body. You will be sore for days." Mo Qingchen's wicked smirk was back. 

She fell across his lap with her arms above her head. "Go ahead!"

Mo Qingchen looked down at her, a predatory gleam in his eyes. Her heart raced as she waited for him to pounce. She closed her eyes, wanting to be taken off guard. The thrill of it would be such a rush that she waited with anticipation for what felt like an hour before she slowly opened her eyes. 

He was watching her intently. "No self-control. You're like a lamb to slaughter."

She lifted off his lap in a flash. "My god. Why are you such a control freak? Do you ever lighten up?"