How Rich Is Mo Qingchen?

The lines at the corner of her eyes and her fidgeting to set the camera right almost made her look like an endearing mom.

"It's my day off. What did you want to talk about?" Sun Li asked, looking at Qian Meng with confusion. Mo Qingchen was not in frame at this time, so it was obvious that she had no idea someone else was in the room.

"Oh. I just—" she couldn't finish before Sun Li cut her off. 

"Is this about the bank account and all that fuss?" Sun Li asked, her brows furrowed. 

Mo Qingchen pressed his lips together in dissatisfaction. These people didn't talk to each other about anything apart from money, it seemed.

"No, I sorted that out. You don't need to worry about being pestered about it any longer. This is about something else. I want you to meet someone."

Sun Li looked stunned. She blubbered for a minute before she shouted over her shoulder. "Honey! Kids!"