She Was There to Sow Discord

Qian Meng rubbed her lip with her finger.

This man had an underlying motive to keep Bai Ye Qing onboard, but Qian Meng didn't know smaller businessmen in the city. There were plenty of those. She knew the board members and their shares, but without their names, she couldn't identify any of them. She didn't have their pictures. 

And no one here took names like they knew each other and didn't want to include the new people in the conversation.

"Sorry, Chairman Bai. I was compiling my defense," Bai Ye Qing announced. He smiled at the room. "I have some words to say that I feel the members of the board should hear before coming to a judgment."

Qian Meng was dying to know what those words could be.

The speaker cleared his throat. "I suppose that is okay."

Bai Yu looked at his son curiously. "Go ahead," he said.