Block Him From Getting Action

The more she rolled her hips against him, the more discomfort he was in. "No, it's cool. I am not worried about that. My trusted vibrator took care of me all these years. Your cock won't be too bad." She had the gall to pout. 

Mo Qingchen laughed and opened his eyes to look at her. "What a relief," he deadpanned.

She absentmindedly continued to grind against him.

"What a cocky little dragon," she whispered. "Hmm… what is this aching emptiness in my stomach?" she wondered out loud, knowing how lewd it sounded. 

His eyes widened just a fraction. "You want me to remedy that?" he asked hoarsely. 

Qian Meng pouted. "I think I am a little hungry. What a shame." She released her arms from around his neck and then unwrapped her legs from his waist. She swam away towards the ladder.