Shed Their Old Anger

Bai Yu was mulling over the extensive plan in his mind. His wife didn't have a clue about the matter but he needed to present it in a manner that was believable to her.

He pulled his best acting mask on and spoke to her as they drove towards their home.

"Yesterday, all of us were high on our emotions. After talking to the police, I think… I think we need to sit down and have some family time to restore our faith in one another," he said quietly, in his usual voice. Though his words were firm, he also showed a sense of helplessness in the matter. 

Chen Yue looked over at him with a note of suspicion. The fact that he would offer an olive branch was highly unlikely in itself. Chen Yue didn't know what to say. 

"Do you want me to call him over for a late lunch and dinner?" she responded.