Good at Talking Dirty *

"Well, are you going to get on with it, or are you going to stand there and finger fuck me all night?" She didn't have a crass mouth, but in these situations with him, she always found herself matching his filthy language.


"No. I am sure it's a great view." She arched her back a little so that her ass stuck out a little more. 

The added bonus was Mo Qingchen's fingers slipping further inside her. He turned those fingers clockwise with a flick of his wrist and then curled them up. But she was bent over. It didn't have the intended impact. Usually, when someone curled their finger inside a girl, it was with the purpose of trying to find that sweet spot that would make her explode. 

But in this position, it with the back wall. She was overcome with a feeling of fullness she had not expected.