Miss Shi, Please Check Your Email

A sure signal that the name and agency they were from were confirmed and Qian Meng could continue.

"Are you going to throw out everyone who asks you a question? Is this your repentant attitude? What a crock of shit!" the reporter said, struggling against the gentle tugging of the security guard who had come to Qian Meng's rescue. 

"Answering the rude reporter and everyone else who is thinking the same in their head: I do not know what motivated Miss Shi Yuhan to carry out this smear campaign against the company. I do know that she was supposed to model for one of our shoots but the talks fell through. I do not know if that is a motivating factor in this or not." She stopped and smiled wider. "Actually, my team tried continuously to reach out to her to get her side of the story. Instead of responding to us, she posted confidential business messages on social media and misconstrued the meaning."

There were no outbursts in this case but hands shot up in the air.