Find the Mole

"What about the mole, Boss?" Li Min asked.

Qian Meng's eyes cooled. "Is there any progress on who it was?" she questioned. 

Li Min shook her head. "We have the IT team looking at all correspondence for the answer. I suppose it will take some time for it to happen. But once we find out, what is the mode of punishment?"

Qian Meng smiled. "The usual. Lawsuit for breach of NDA, loss, and a testimony for our lawsuit against Sophie's Secret. Make sure the news travels to everyone in the industry so that they never get a job. There is no use for a rat in the company." She was firm and cold in that. 

Mo Qingchen gazed on passionately. He always believed her to be kind to her employees, but to those that did her wrong, she wasn't kind in the least. She needed to be cold and ruthlessly calculating even against her closest people. This was a lesson she was going to learn the hard way and he was happy with the progress she had made so far.