You Make Me A Good Person

She nodded. "I think it scares us because we are being sincere to one another. Because we are truly husband and wife."

He looked away from her then, contemplating on the new nugget of information. 

"We need to stop being scared. We care about each other. That much is known to us. It's natural. We live together, we hang out together, and we have amazing sex. We would have to be rocks to not care about each other."

Mo Qingchen hummed. "I thought I was emotionally void."

"Did you really believe that? I thought… deep down… you knew that you were capable of it."

"Yes," he responded firmly. 

"It does feel a little sad," she agreed.

"It is sad. At least… At least I can give you this much. If not love, at least I can care for you enough." 

She paused.