A Long and Painful Dream

"A dream… I saw a dream that felt too real," he explained. "And I was killed."

Mo Qingchen's heart started beating faster in anticipation. Dare he hope that he was about to hear her story? It was palpable. The answers he desperately wanted were so close. But he knew that he shouldn't be holding his breath.

"Who killed you… in the dream?" he asked slowly. 

Qian Meng shuddered before answering him.

"You asked me why I was so scared. What I was scared of, right?" She turned to him, her eyes holing the absolute truth. "It's… not just the dream. Since I was a child, not one person forgot to remind me how unwanted I was. I served a purpose. Sometimes, I was a mistake. My parents didn't want me to be born but I was. And then, they separated," she told him calmly. "Actually, I have never believed relationships or marriages were meant to last. One person cheats or gets bored and they break up. No one ever works on their marriage. No one is happy."