The Gun In His Drawer

Qian Meng was back from her long meetings and planning with the local Venus team. It was already evening and her whole body felt sticky.

Qian Meng hopped into the shower without ceremony, feeling the need to wash up before doing anything else. She was about to step out when Mo Qingchen entered and grabbed the towel from the towel rack. He held it open for her. 

It was all too sweet.

"Thank you," she said, smiling at him as she stepped towards him and wrapped it around herself. 

She left the door to the shower open and went to side-step around him so he could get in (which was what she presumed he was doing). But then he stopped her with his fingers at her chin. Their eyes locked briefly before he leaned down and kissed her. It was short, but it was soft and sweet and perfect. 

"I finished work. I'll get into the shower quickly," he informed her before stepping around her and walking into the shower.