Ignoring Me On Purpose

Again, his cellphone began to vibrate on the desk. He looked at the screen again and silenced it again. Qian Meng noticed the last two digits of the unknown number. 

"You don't need to answer that?"

"I'll call them back later," he said quickly. "Do you want to feed me? What are your plans for the evening?"

"I do. I'll just make sure you eat and then go into the room. I have to catch up with updates from Shanghai and the other launches, too," she announced.

"Good. I'm sure you miss working in the headquarters."

She nodded. "I like the idea of working from another place, but my office makes me want to work harder. After I am done, I want to take a walk around the city. Maybe eat at a famous restaurant," she prompted. "You might not be able to finish work, so I will sneak in food for you."

He frowned. "I'll be safe with the bodyguard with me," she said firmly. "You can work without feeling the need to follow me."