My Greatest Risk, My Greatest Reward

"You're my greatest risk of all. And I am your greatest risk, am I not?"

"We are?"

Mo Qingchen nodded. "Asking you to marry me was a huge risk and not just in a monetary sense. I brought you into my house and family life. It could have gone very badly. Similarly, you married me and moved into a foreign house. A lot could have gone wrong."

Qian Meng contemplated that for a moment. 

"I guess so." Qian Meng saw him turn with a glimmer in his eyes. 

"You're also my greatest reward."

Blood rushed to her cheeks. "There you go again with your mushy words."

He blinked like he didn't know what his words did to her. "It's the truth, though. When we made the contract, I knew the way I hoped our marriage would pan out. I knew what I wanted this relationship to look like. The reality was different though. It far surpassed my most optimistic projections."